BBy sleepin through night question!!???

edited November 2011 in Babies
my bby grl is such a fatty n still wakes up to eat throughout the night.. twice!! even if I do give her a bath b4 bed.. after she eats she goes right baq to sleep which is good I guess.. but aghhh wen will this stop!! lol shes 3 months tomorrow!! ne advice ladies?? what's the longest ur bby took b4 sleepin through night!!??

also I know sum1 posted a website on here b4 for tips.. what's that website plzz!! thank u!


  • I think sleeping 4 hours is considered sleeping through the night for them.?.?.
  • I heard 5_7 hrs... @momaynot
  • Oh I am new to this...:) guess I heard wrong.
  • Lol every baby is different my daughter at that point was sleeping thru the night...and my son would still wake up screaming for a bottle till he was 2!
  • My daughter will also be 3 months tomorrow! :) I've also heard 5-7 hrs is considered a full night. Alivia usually wakes up once a night between 3-5 but no matter what time she initially goes to sleep she is always up by 7. Sometimes, like last night, she will wake up early at 2 and then again around 6. I guess every baby is just different.
  • possibly?
  • My baby girl will be 7 weeks friday and she sleeps about 8 hours a night but she sleeps in her swing lol
  • My daughter will be 11wks and she eats around 11pm and sleeps till between 8&9
  • Juliana was doing that too its a habit that they have learned. They start to realize oh if I wake up they'll give me a bottle. I got her to brake the habit in just a few days. When she'd wake up for the middle of the night feeding I'd give her her binkie and rocker her back to sleep. Eventually she realized it wasn't worth waking up and now usually sleep from about 9ish-730ish.
  • @ta2edblondie that's exactly what I do.. !! first sleep she's in her bed then after that I just put her wit me ;) I luv cuddling her!!
  • @navybabyonway really.. hmm imma try that!! poor thing hopefully she won't starve!! lol jk!!
  • Sometimes she'll wake up at like 11 and ill give her a bottle then. If she wakes up in the middle of the night and I can't get her back to sleep then ill give her a bottle bit that hasn't happened in a while.
  • awww that's soo tru ! :) thanks!!
  • Every baby is different first son woke up 2times to eat until he turned one. My second which is ganna b 4 months sleeps through the nights and mostly the days as sucked in some ways cuz that's how I lost my milk. :(
  • like pp's have said every baby is different my lo has bottle at 9pm wakes up at 5ish for bottle straight back to sleep then again at 8
  • oh and he's 8 week old been doin it about week and half now
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