Has Dr checked for reflux? My son had it...was put on zantac. Also keep baby upright while feeding and after...my son slept in car seat for 2 months. He is on similac sensitive..but also heard enfamil ar is good...it has rice cereal in it...helps to keep it down. Or ask Dr about starting single grain rice cereal.... Goud luck mama.
Part of the problem could be that u have changed the milk 4 times it takes time for their stomach to get use to the milk mynson spit up after changing his milk for a couple weeks before he got use to it Similac for spit up is good but as long as your baby is not loosing weight then it is ok for them to spit up some until they get uses to it. If your not using Similsc spit up or enfamil ar (both are rice based) then add a teaspoon of cereal in your babies bottle to see if it helps. Good luck
If you know about porridge, its amazing. My mom has started making it and mixing it with my sons formula and he doesn't spit up 98% as much as he used to. I have a discussion on my page started about this if you're interested-- recipe included
Just stick to one formula, unless your doctor changes it. Make sure you are burping her frequently during her bottles and that you aren't feeding her more than she needs. Her tummy is only the size of a ping pong ball right now. Spit up is normal, and usually, it looks like a lot more than it is. My baby is super hard to burp, and so I'll try and burp her and she'll scream, so I give her the bottle back and she finishes eating and then burps and of course, all that formula comes back up. It's super annoying. I switched her to Playtex Drop In bottles and squeezed the air completely out before feeding her and it's cut the spitting up in half, so you might try that too. Good luck!
Also, 3 mos is the peak of a babies spit up stage according to my pediatrician. The sphyncter at the top of their stomach is still weak allowing spit up. If it's nothing else, it should pass soon.
http://www.breastfeeding-problems.com/acid-reflux-in-babies.html - I know this is for breastfed babies but my daughter has acid reflux & there are a list of symptoms, if you have most of them call her doctor that's what I did. Most the time they grow out of it, but if your baby isn't gaining weight they will prescribe medicine.
@mylittlelove Thanks