Still waiting to go home...

edited November 2011 in Birth Stories
Well yesterday (11.29.11) was when we were suppost to go home but Makenzie has Jaundice. Her level was at an 11 which isn't to high but the doctor said he wanted to keep her over night again. So they started her on the biliblanket yesterday (11.29.11) around 10am and then at 6pm they came and did some lab work. Got the labs back at 8pm and her level had stayed the same so the doctor deiced that she needed to go to the nicu to be put under the double biliblanket.
So this morning (11.30.11) she got her blood work done and the levels came back higher then they were before, 14 (which the doctor said is normal, sometimes it goes up before it comes down). So she wasn't discharged yet. They are going to take more blood around 4pm today (11.30.11) and hopfully (PLEASE PRAY!) that her levels will be down and we can take our little bean home! I am being discharged today as long as my blood pressure isn't high when they come to check it again at lunch time (it was pretty high this morning) and will have to go home with out my baby :-( I can however sit in a chair next to her little bed all night long if I want to. Just killing me having to leave the hospital with out her.

**The way they measure the bilirubin is the older you are (by hours) depends on how high the level is aloud to be. Ex: When she was 32 hours old her level was at an 11.8 (to high for that age) now when she was 60hrs old her level was at a 14 (also to high for that age) but at 60 hours old if her level would had stayed around the 11 she would have been in the clear.**

My little blue light special! I tear up every time I look at this picture I know she is prefect other then the jaundice I just don't want to leave her alone.


  • Aww.. she looks precious :)
  • Yes its sad to see our babies go thru that. I was sad wen nyla had to b under the light for 24 hrs :(

  • Aw poor honey!! My daughter didn't have jaundice issues but she was in the nicu for 6 days :( I hope your sweetie gets out soon!!
  • Adorable! My LO had jaundice but it went away before we left. Hopefully your baby girl will get better :D good luck momma!
  • It will be ok. My oldest had it and we had to take him home with a special bed light. He hated it cuz he had to be strapped down. I wish they would have kept him and treated him there. Good luck. I hope she can go home soon.
  • My first was 6weeks early and soent 10days under the light.
    My second was 5weeks early and came home with a bilibed...once she starts eating and pooping she will be fine.
  • Lilly was in NICU for 9 days cause of those damn biliruben levels! Prayin for your little one and that you get to leave with her. I refused to leave with out Lilly so they let me stay on a cot in a surgical room in NICU so I could be with her and bf. It sucked but it was better then leaving imo! Maybe ask about a NICU room if you really don't want to go. They don't offer em but some hospitals do have parent rooms. Good luck and she is so beautiful!!
  • She has been pooing a lot and eating like a little cow lol. Waiting for the blood work to be done at 4 and then getting the results back around 5ish. Hoping and praying that he levels are down and she can be monitored with out the biliblanket and come home.
  • Any updates?
  • Hope you guys got to go home!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Did you find out when you can take her home?
  • Awwww I know the feeling I went through the same thing it will be ok she will be home most likely before the week is out I will be praying for u guys and she is sooooooooooo precious:))
  • Oh and the more she poops the better she is getting all that bilirubin out so try to relax she will be home before u know it!!!
  • Still in the nicu. levels are down just needs to be below 13 she is at a 13.5 drawing blood again in a few hrs and if she is down then they will monitor her off the lights for 6hrs if her levels dont go up after that then she can go home tonight
  • Her level was right at 13. of course right? so she has to stay another night and then same stuff tomorrow blood at 6am and hope it goes down so she can stay off the lights for 6hrs and then more blood and hope it doesnt go back up being off of them. "your killing me smalls"
  • Level went down to an 11.8 from 13 over night yay. she is off the lights from 8-12 then we are doing more blood work to make sure they stay down. as long as they do she will be able to go home today by 1. yay
  • Yay. That's great. I hope they stay down. If i remember right, you were supposed to be a December mommy? How early was she?
  • Yeah hope Yall get to go home today!!!
  • We got to go home! she was 3 weeks early
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