Anyone not giving their kids Santa?

edited November 2011 in Parenting
Our oldest is 3 and hubby and I have decided we will not be giving our kids Santa. We will give them gifts but we think it takes away too much from the real meaning of Christmas. Our problem is that everyone just assumes he's getting Santa and always asks him what Santa is bringing him. Now he thinks Santa is coming. For those of you who did the same, how did you go about it?


  • I've never heard of anyone doing that unless they are a religion that doesn't celebrate Christmas. I think Santa makes Xmas so fun for little kids!
  • what do u mean by giving him santa? like a real visit?

    with my kids we leave gifts from santa...but it appears under the tree on christmas morning, he fills their stockings and we leave out cookies and milk that he drinks and leaves a bunch of crumbs LOL
  • @myHEARTZx3 That's what I mean, gifts from Santa. When I was growing up my parents never emphasized the true meaning and all we cared about was Santa and presents. I want to take out the Santa aspect and focus on Jesus and giving to others.
  • My son is three and is honestly creeped out by Santa. We never did the Santa thing because like you said, Christmas isn't about Santa and I felt like I would be lying to my child. Its really a personal choice.
  • @0utlaw_Sphinx I was beginning to think I was the only one. Have people been asking your son about Santa lately? What would you do?
  • Im giving my kids santa because its fun but ill also explain how he is St. Nicholas. I also want to teach them about Jesus' birthday and the nativity. I plan on having a happy birthday Jesus cake to make it fun.
  • I agree with @starrxoxo9 . I comletely respect it if its due to religious reasons but it does take all the fun and spirit of Christmas! This time of year makes me the happiest and it is because I get all the giddy feelings I used to get as a kid!
  • My daughter is two and doesn't seem to be bothered by not having a Santa. I was raised without a Santa and I love my parents for the effort they gave to give me a gift.
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  • @2BeForgotten So what will you do in a year or 2 when everyone starts badgering your kid about Santa? That's what Im trying to figure out.
  • My son is three and has no clue who santa is lol. It wasn't anything like I didn't want to tell him about it but I believe he is too young to fully understand christmas at all. He is finally learning he gets gifts he new his bday he got gifts but now he knows christmas he does too. He knows Jesus but not the story as of yet. I'm sure by christmas he will have somewhat of a better understanding but if he comes to me and say santa is going to bring me gifts I will say he is absolutely right he will bring him one gift. Now if he never mentions it then oh well. That's how I feel my husband just feels like santa didn't put in on the gifts so why does he get credit. I'm fine if my son believes in santa because I did for a while but my mom didn't force me to believe in him.
  • I don't want my kids to believe in Santa. I didn't as a kid. My mom said she always wanted to protect us and it would hurt to find out Santa was a lie and then what does that say about her lying to us. She also wanted us to know the meaning behind Christmas and felt that Santa takes away from the Christian veiw of it. I grew up just fine. My boyfriend wants him to believe in Santa though. I'm torn. :( but good luck sorry I am no help.
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  • @Samantha I wouldn't go so far as to call it lying. It's just make believe like Disney movies, fairy tales, and things like that. Eventually you figure out a lot of things in your childhood aren't real but that doesn't make parents liars lol.
  • Lol. I didn't mean to turn it into a debate. I was just wondering what I should do about all of the people talking Santa with him. Im afraid they have him convinced Santa is coming.
  • My bd is jewish and celebrates hannuka and im starting the jewish tradition myself. My son is 4 and I've tried explaining that santa isn't real and that im the one that gets him his presents. He still thinks there's a santa. I have 5 nieces and nephews who believe in santa so my son believes.
  • My kids will get gifts from 'Santa' and go visit him at the mall. It's fun! I will explain the true meaning also. I grew up in a home where we went to church 2 days a week. We knew what the meaning of Christmas was, but we also go gifts from Santa. We weren't allowed to open any presents until we told Jesus happy birthday!
  • edited November 2011
    My parents always made sure we knew Xmas was about the birth of Jesus and not about the presents. But they still made it fun for us and did the whole Santa thing. I'll do the same with my son:)
  • @vtmamajuju my son has just told people he doesn't like Santa haha. For the most part if someone asks me about it or him in front of me I just smile and let it go. Its not worth the arguments that pop up. My mother, when we still talked, flipped out and said that she felt that I was ruining his life.
  • Im not going to tell my son about Santa...its a personal conviction I have had...there is so much more to christmas than santa and presents. I have been grilled....griped at...and questioned more than once by family and close friends about why I will not be giving my child this opprutunity to use his imaginaiton....I know God specifically told us as Christians to be set apart from this world...and this is one area I do not want to budge on. I feel that it is not wise to teach my child about some fictional man that watches you all the time and knows when you do wrong and right only for h to some day learn that is not true.....while on the same hand I will b teaching my son about Christ who he cannot see in the flesh ut he is watching you and knows when you are doing rigbt or doing wrong! Totaly a personal conviction...the only person in mine and my husbands entire families that are choosing to do this. Causes for much tension...but I havepeace knowing I am doing the right thing for my family...and I dont worry about the ridcule in my near future for I know God has a plan!
  • Sorry that was so long...first time ive ran into anyone who is in the same book im in....let alone the same page!!!! ;)
  • My nephew is 4 & he never ask about santa, its not by choice but he is young doesn't care about that. But he loves the tree & decorations. The gifts he gets he knows they come from actual ppl. I don't recall if ppl ask him about santa but in the morning I will ask him lol. But having santa is really fun for small children, then as they get older I feel u can start explaining to them the true meaning because at this age they won't fully understand.....But I so agree with wanting to teach them the real meaning because I was thinking about this the other day. I was thought it & my mother made sure we prayed at 12am EVERY Christmas before we open gifts but I endured hardships as a child so I knew from the start. Wen my daughter(9wks) and nephew(4yr) is old enough I am going to teach them. I even said we are going to volunteer as a family during the holidays so they will learn to give back & appreciate the things we are giving in life!!
  • I believe that there is a certain amount of innocence lost once kids find out its not real I am going to push Santa as long as I can
  • Couldn't help but ask... will you explain to your children to preserve the santa idea to their classmates and or relatives that choose to believe in santa?
  • After reading everybody response b/c it does seem like the ppl who doin is focused on the wrong things I'm just going to tell my child the truth JESUS provided his gifts lol
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  • I guess if my son ask when santa is coming I will tell him when he goes to sleep christmas eve, if he doesn't than he doesn't. He knows mommy and daddy is the one who buys his gifts and he picks out gifts for his cusins and for me and his dad. We always let him know about giving over receiving however I will never tell him there isn't a santa if that's what he will believe, he will eventually find out like I did. But until then we watch our christmas movies which has santa and Jesus and we will go from there. I think its fun for children to believe in a are so sweet and innocent its just like the easter bunney.
  • My kids know who Santa is they know the magic of christmas they also know the religious part of too. My thoughts are the moment they stop believing in the magic and kindness of Christmas that being Santa and Jesus then they stop getting Santa presents. I don't care if they are 63 and tell me they don't believe then all the magic is gone and they will get the stinky crappy sock presents. My babies will know that Santa gave to children because it made him happy to see children happy. Christmas to my family is the selflessness and making others happy. As they grow older we will volunteer to be secret santas and do the tree of joy make sure we give to those who also need to smile. If I feel they are abusing and becoming bratty snots it stops. Being able to give to others is what Christmas is about both Santa and Jesus did this as my family will also. As they are younger they also will receive from Santa and then thank Jesus for bringing nice caring people like Santa to the world to help him bring smiles to all the children rich or poor.
  • I'm not giving my son Santa he's 3and I told him Santa's not real. I agree with you 100% my son never knew Anything about Santa as far as taking the fun out Xmas he can't miss what he never have. I do buy him gifts but he knows who it's really from
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