breastfeeding in public



  • I agree with the fitting room!
  • I think breast feeding is great and in public its only OK if you're covered with a blanket. Even then its kind of awkward BC ppl know what you're doing, and sometimes the baby makes a lot of noise LOL. I just don't think in public you should do it where it makes anyone uncomfortable...that lady def crossed the line.
  • I think it is hilarious that Americans are so prudish that they can't handle a breast even in its least erotic form. Breastfeeding has nothing to do with sexuality or with indecency. Ughhhhhhh is FEEDING YOUR CHILD the most natural and oldest way possible. Seems silly to even have any reservations about it, especially from pregnant ladies. You'd think we would get over our social stigma of exposed breasts, in other countries it is not a big deal at all.
  • Well I don't think you red the story she was
  • *wasn't even breastfeeding at the time and she was just walking around a public mall with her boob out. That's a little inappropriate what if there were children or something idk it was just an uncomfortable situation for me but that's just me everyone has there own comfort levels * *read* lol sorry touch screen
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  • When my daughter was still a newborn i would just tuck her under my shirt to nurse. When she got bigger i got a nursing cover. I agree that americans have a different view of the human body, personally i would be embarrassed walking around exposed.
  • @mscheyla that's very smart :-D
  • @moma2bee that's what I'm doing
  • It has nothing to do with being prudish it has to do with respect for other ppl.I have breast feed in public with my children and plan to again I do it wherever I feel comfortable however I do cover myself out of respect for other ppl.thank god I live in a country were ppl don't walk around exposing is not sexual to breastfeed in anyway but having ur breast exposed is possible to breastfeed with respect for others. There is a time n place for exposing yourself and its not a park with families and other children.
  • I agree!
  • I don't think its wrong to do it in public just cover up the boob out of respect for people who are not used to being exposed to that. Plus that's just wrong to have it out there and the baby not even feeding.....she deserved to be smacked 3 times for that. Great topic
  • i had my first and breast fed on demand so when she needed it i got my boobs out lol sometimes walking around if i had the sling but pretty much always when we had lunch as i was relaxed and chilling out was the perfect time to feed! and i tell you i bet i felt more awkward and uncomfortable being stared at and frowned at by others than they did watching me give my baby lunch the most natural way ever :-) what always made me laugh is when people say put a blanket over the baby hehe you put one over your head wheile u eat haha no if your not comfortable seeing it then pls dont watch xx
  • Just throw a blanket over u chances are no one will be the wiser, people are too absorbed in their own lives 98% the time to notice ur breastfeeding. Just make sure ur wearing a top that pulls down easy.
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