My 2month old might be sick help !!?? (FTM)

edited December 2011 in Babies Health
Its been a while since ive been on my daughter is a little of 2 months and she hasnt had her two month appt. but last night her nose sounded a little stuffy and i figured it was just a booger as usual. But it did sound to good so i woke her up and tried to clean her nose and i think shes getting sick she sound congested and its not boogers i would say like in the middle of a runny and stuffy nose I cleaned a lot with bulb syringe. but what else can i do because shes too young for medicine just yet.


  • Im going to start using her humidifier again
  • Im in the same boat! I think my 2month old (on Sunday) is getting what ever kind of cold I got. :(I hope the best for you an your baby.
  • edited December 2011
    That's exactly how my son sounded when he started getting sick. Is she eating okay? The humidifier has helped his congestion. I also rub a little bit of Vicks baby rub on his chest . Hope she gets better:)
  • @pwchance yea i Think she might have got this from me im not sick but mythere nose has beenher runny the past few days
    @JuliansMommy Yea she's eating just find and just happy as can be, , but this all started in the middle of the night.. and now im noticing a slight cough and I can use vicks this early

    thanks guys
  • All u can do unfortunately is use saline drops to clean the mucus out really good and use a vaporizer to help her breathe, my 6 week old has been sick too. :( Hope it helps!
  • My one month old sounds the same way. He isn't sleeping to good because his nose is so stuffed up. I have a humidifier, but I'm out of town still.
  • edited December 2011
    I called and asked his pediatrician and she said it was okay but as long as its the baby rub and only use a little. It really helped his cough. You might want to call her pediatrician and ask.
  • Thanks everybody i appreciate it =)
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