My 2month old might be sick help !!?? (FTM)
Its been a while since ive been on my daughter is a little of 2 months and she hasnt had her two month appt. but last night her nose sounded a little stuffy and i figured it was just a booger as usual. But it did sound to good so i woke her up and tried to clean her nose and i think shes getting sick she sound congested and its not boogers i would say like in the middle of a runny and stuffy nose I cleaned a lot with bulb syringe. but what else can i do because shes too young for medicine just yet.
@JuliansMommy Yea she's eating just find and just happy as can be, , but this all started in the middle of the night.. and now im noticing a slight cough and I can use vicks this early
thanks guys