evening primerose oil ?

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
Has anyone ever used this to help jump start their labor? If so did it work and how often did you take it and for how long?


  • I did! I like to think it worked lol but who really knows... I may or may not have progressed the same without it! I started at 36wks taking 1 orally 2 vaginally every night, then increased every week until I was taking 2 orally and 4 vaginally every night at 39wks.
  • Oh and if you start them... Make sure you wear a panty liner to bed!! They make a yuckyyy mess lol
  • I did it didn't work but I would definitely do it again
  • I took them last night and I can tell she is much lower now.
  • I started taking one 1300mg orally at 36weeks then at 37 weeks I started inserting one vaginally. i delivered at 37+3. who really knowsnif that's what made me deliver so early but I like to think so!
  • Has anyone already been dialating or effaced before taking these?
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