ectopic pregnancy no more

I feel so blessed to have been able to be pregnant after losing one of my tubes and having emergency surgery last year. .. i feel so blessed >:D< It was so scary and even finding out i was pregnant again was scary because u never know my son its going to be three and i am hoping for the girl. ... but all i can say is no matter what it is i love it already!


  • Aww congrats! Im so happy you were able to get pregnant still!
  • I have had an ectopic pregnancy in Aug. 2009, but the DR. saved the tube. I thought it was a cyst until it started hurting really bad, went to ER an found out I was preg. but they didnt see the sac. Sorry to get off topic but March will be my 2nd month ttc an I scared also...
  • Well i did take some pills that GMC sell its called fertility blen the were like 40 bucks but they worked for me and my friend....
  • Unfortunately i went to late to the hospital and they were not able to save my tube and honestly i don't know were i would be if i had not gone into to the hospital .. the drs did not even wanna see me cuz they said i was young. ... =(( and o was just problably just a bad period but of course he was a male! !!!
  • I had a ectopic april 2010 on april 28th had emergency surgery and my left tube was removed by july I was prggo again and all has been great
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