Drinking while watching kids?????

My husband and I got into an argument tonight over alcohol. My husband and I have a great relationship and have been married for six years and usually only ever fight over money (the usual) and alcohol. I'm not a big drinker. I don't think it is ok for him to drink a lot while watching our 3 year old (and soon to be new baby) while I'm at work to the point where he can't drive, but I would not say he is wasted but can totally tell that he has been drinking (if this makes sense). Do people agree with me as well? He thinks it is ok because he is at home and does not have to drive anywhere.


  • I agree with you. I mean its one thing to have a beer or 2, but what if there is an emergency and he can't drive?
  • He needs to consider what if.something happened to the kids and he needed to drive to the hospital or call an ambulance if the emts thought he was intoxicated they would be required by law to report him . Just saying. See what he says to that
  • I think a drink or two is fine as well, but you never know what could happen and he does not see it that way. It drives me crazy!!! I don't know how to make him get it.
  • I dont personally think you should drink either while watching kids either. My husband will have 1 drink(bottle of beer) and im fine with that.
  • Drinking impairs judgment. Im not saying he would harm the children by any means but he could react differently than if he was sober. I say this as a mom of a 3 yr old who knows how they act, and as a daughter of a drinker.
  • @Eeyore. That's a good idea. He might get it since he works in the law inforcemnt field.
  • Nothing wrong with having a couple, but as soon as you can no longer legally drive thats too much.
    How would he feel if you guys got a babysitter for the night and that person drank while watching your children?
  • I'm with @Eeyore, You have to be able to drive your kids if something happens. Parenting isn't always convienant, we don't get to do everything we want, tell him to suck it up LOL
  • I have a.drink or 2 & watch my son
  • Im not a big drinker either. In fact its been so long sense i had a drink i wouldn't do it. Lol. But as far as this post, i agree. 1 or 2 is ok i guess. But im not ok with someone taking care of my children which impaired. Im sorry he doesn't understand that just cuz he's home doesn't mean he wouldn't need to drive.
  • my bd thinks its ok to drink & watch the baby. I'm NOT ok with this at all. I mean 1 or 2 is ok but he can't just have a little. I have no time at all now I can't leave baby with him cause he might drink. How do I make him realize.. he's a daddy he needs to be responsible. I'm ready to leave him over this. Baby is 5 weeks old and I've been having this conversation since I was in my 2nd trimester. I'm telling him on Sunday for the last time. If he doesn't straighten up .. baby and I are gone. Any Advice ladies? How do I make him straighten up?!
  • Have you tried looking at legal info? How many drinks would put him over the legal driving limit and the consequences of either getting a dui or showing up at a hospital with an injured child while under the influence.

    You could also make drinking special, say that YOU'D like to drink with him on date nights, when you have a baby sitter.

    But at the end of the day, its about the kid. If dad can't be trusted, he can't be trusted. You don't want to wait till something has really happened. Make sure he understands you WILL leave over this issue, that it really is important to you, and if he doesn't change, stay true to your word.
  • Thanks @natashalynn yeah we'll see how the talk goes on Sunday. He knows he messed up with me.. but let's see if it changes. I'm not taking any chances on something happening to my baby boy.
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