ladies that have had or had a c section!!!!!!!

edited December 2011 in Postpartum Health
Does the extra skin that hangs under ur cut gona go away. Meaning back dwn I had my c section Oct 25 & depressed not able to fit n my old jeans and seeing that extra skin ugh just still waiting for swollen ness to go dwn. Any advise ladies I totally understand it dnt happen over night. BTW is there any ladies that were able to get tummy tight again if so wat exercises did u do


  • I never had any extra skin that hung down, I was one of the lucky ones that was skinnier after my c section than even before I was pregnant. Ill bump this you you because there has to be some ladies hot there with some advice for you!
  • I have that too but I'm less than four weeks pp. Still too sore to do any actual exercise, but would love to know others secrets to get rid of it! I feel soooo disgusting!
  • I usually wear granny undies so they can b tight and flatten it out (hate them though) and I'm 8wks pp and its almost gone hope this works any more tips will b great aswell
  • I don't have hanging skin, what helped me was drinking hot chamomille tea with every meal and in between meals. My hubby keeps telling me how hot I look and that it doesn't even look like I was pregnant. I'm happy he still finds me attractive. Anyways the tea helped A LOT so I do recommend it. @Roxy @smcox @annaluis
  • I didn't have hanging skin, I jus have a lil stomach pudge. I was amazed at how things went kinda back to normal. I'm 2months pp and have started walking the track 4times a week & doing workout videos(aim towards stomach).
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