any tips/advice please!

edited December 2011 in Sleep
So my daughter and I are moving back to Cali next month to prepare for my husband's homecoming. Right now she sleeps in her pack n play next to my bed. Anytime we go somewhere or her bed is in a new location (always on a room with me) she has a really hard time getting used to the new loction, which is why we are moving about a month before he comes home.

This will be the first time she will be in her own bed without being in my room any tips/advice on how to make the transition? I'm thinking I'm gonna put her pack n play in my room for the first week or so we are there then move her to her room??

Any advice welcome!!! Thanks!!!


  • Just read a thread and got the lightbulb idea for moving my son to his room....start the night with them in thier room then if and when needed get them in the night and move them back to our room. Im going to keep my packnplay right where its at and just slowly transition him into his bed each night leaving him in there longer and longer till hes there all night!!!! Hope that helps! Goodluck with the move!!!
  • @vanalkr that's pretty much what I have done with her middle of the night feeding and it's worked great she sleeps all night now. I'm just worried after 8 months in sleeping in my room it'll take longer then the month I have, or that ill get her in her room and my Hubby will let her sleep in our room one night and ill have to start over
  • I have no experience yet with transitioning but congrats on your hubby coming home in only 2months!!!! It was excactly one year yesterday that my bf did and I still remember the excitement and anticipation :D
  • my son is 7 weeks and we were cosleeping but I really didn't want to end up w a 5year old still wanting to sleep w mommy and daddy. what we have been doing is when it's bed time I feed my son and then I walk or rock him til he's just about out. I go in his room and turn on the noise maker and his turtle that projects stars on the ceiling. I lay him down and pat his belly for a little bit. I then leave his room...(this is the hardest part, but I promise it's getting better) I wait knowing he is going to start crying soon. I let him cry for a few mins and I go back in and calm him down (never picking him up) I rub his belly and give him his binki. once he's quiet I leave the room. in the beginning this cycle could go on 5-6 times but after just a week and a half we are down to 2 or less times. I read that babies just need positive reassurance. I'm glad this is working bc now the whole family is getting better quality sleep!
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