Help! Should I call the doctor?

edited December 2011 in Babies Health
My son's temp is 97.9 taken under the arm and if I recall I add a degree to that? So almost 99, which isn't that high for an adult but is it for a baby? He hasn't eaten in 7 hours which I know isn't out of the ordinary but he usually eats every 3hrs. He also has woken up three times and just starts screamingggg. I try to feed him but the only way he stops is when I give him his paci or I let him chew on my finger and then he falls right back to sleep. He is on a schedule from 11pm to 9-930am but its almost 1 and he is still sleeping. Now it seems like he is sick BUTTT the last few days he has been drooling and blowing bubbles all the time. I've researched teething and all of these are signs, he is only two months though. Is it too early for that? Should I call his doctor or is it normal to go through a phase like this?


  • edited December 2011
    I would call to be safe. Could be teething, could be thrush, could be an ear infection, could be post-grow spurt, could be a cold starting, could be nothing. Sounds like teething, though. How old he?
  • He is only 2 months. He was just at the doctors on Thursday.. Could thursh or an ear infection happen that fast? I don't think it is thrush though bc I checked his mouth and it looked normal, no white stuff at all. He also isn't stuffy or congested. Boo :( I'm going to wake him and see if he'll eat one more time then call. Thanks ladies!!
  • If he just got his shots its normal the way he,is,actting. And I would worry about a temp if its higher then 100.4
  • Over 100 is a worry
  • He got them on Thursday but was fine Sat and Sun! When I woke him he ate and stayed up for a little while and was smiling and playing with me so I'm not sure what was up this morning!! Thank you all, I was starting to get really worried but he seems okay now :)
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