sex drive after having baby

edited December 2011 in Relationships
So... I am wondering if anyone else has.had.this experience. I had my daughter 11 weeks ago. I've noticed in the last 2-3 weeks I am CRAZY horny every night. But then I can't get off during sex anymore like I did before becoming pregnant. Has anyone else had this increase in their sex drive and/or finishing problem?


  • lol baby is 4mnts tkes longer and my stuff wud hurt sumtimes for no reason...its weird....but ull go bac to normal as long as u stop worrying...if u keep worrying ull hav no luck lol
  • Ya I had trouble too. I chalk it up to not being 100% healed and mentally scared so I kinda held back if that makes sense. I had to play with myself first (lol tmi sorry) to figure out what I could handle.
  • Well I got like that after I had my two year old and this time around it stayed the same. I need a ton of foreplay :(
  • After my son I was the same..super horny, couldn't orgasm. I think it has a lot to do with being careful about your body after all its been through or feeling insecure about your new body. I'm kind of oversexed though so my husband didn't notice any difference in my drive. Lmao he's the one who says " not now, I've got a headache..or have to wash my hair." lol
  • Haha ok, well I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one! I was getting worried... Thank u! @neek @natashalynn @Janet_2011 @0utlaw_sphinx
  • We are all on the same boat :(
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