birth story of my babygirl , w/ pictures .

I know this is really really late , but I've been telling myself ima do it on the computer but I've been too busy so I'm writing it on my phone .

I had my induction date set for Nov. 3 , I was waiting for my mother to come take me to the hospital I had to be there at 6 am but she didn't come til almost 7 :/ well I got to the hospital & say I'm registration did all the papers & then I went to my room in l&d . They had just started this new system like 2 days before so none of the nurses knew what they were doing ! Cause everything was on the computer now . Well I felt like a item at the grocery store because they kept scanning my wrist band just to start me on my pitocin . Well they stared my induction , at around 12 my contractions were okay & I was at 3 cm my doctor broke my water , then around 2 pm I had to get my epi it hurt to bad ! About 20 min later I felt like I had to throw up I kept trying to breath but nothing helped , I got sick 5 times in 10 min . My babys heart rate kept going down to 60 every time I had a contraction , they put me on oxygen but it made me even more sicker because of the smell of the mask my mom went & asked if they could put me on the nose oxygen but they said the baby would get enough oxygen do I had to keep it on . I got sick about 2 more time & I tried to get some sleep - well we are only aloud 3 people in the room , I had my mom husband & dad well I promised my best friend she could be in the room so I was going to have to kick someone out I could not choose , but all was good the doctors didn't say anything so I got to have all 4 of them . Well around 9 pm I told my mom I felt pressure she jumped up but I told her to wait for the next contraction to see if it really is pressure , next contraction yup its pressure well she got the doctor & he checked me & said I was complete but still -2 she is gonna be a big baby . I pushed for 30 min & my babygirl was finally born @ 10:05 pm she was 8 pounds 1 oz & 19 3/4 in long







& this is a picture of her taken yesterday :) @ 4 weeks old <3

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Sorry its soooo long .


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