i have a secret

edited December 2011 in Just for Fun
I secretly miss being pregnant. I didn't really like being pregnant this past year do to my miscarriage last year all I did was worry. But now that my baby is almost 3 months I so miss it. I miss feeling the movements inside as well as not having to share her while she was in my tummy. I am not ready for another one though so ttc is out the question.... Sigh... Maybe in 3 years I will have another. Anyone else miss it?


  • Horrible experience for me but so worth it ill do it again : )
  • I hated being pregnant, I had a rough pregnancy. Definitely don't miss it LOL was going to try for #2 this summer but after this pregnancy told hubby no way! It was totally worth my son though! :-)
  • I miss being pregnant but I have no help with my two month so iono if I want to get prego again so soon but if it happens ill take it as a blessing :)
  • @Roxy and @smcox mine was easy from the start with the exception of me worrying all the time. How long were you ladies in labor? I was induced for being a week past due. She never dropped. My cervix was high and closed. I was in labor for 28hrs. My doctor and nurses were top notch...n oddly enough I loved the labor part the most lol
  • I miss being pregnant soooo much. My pregnancy was so easy besides the belly & a lil heartburn I wouldn't have known I was prego lol. But I hated my after delivery experience. I'm not having a another no time soon but whenever I think about it when I do I have flashbacks, I think I'm traumatized.
  • #bonita85 I started my indication on a Sunday had him on a Tues with c section cause I didn't open past 5cm left hospital on a thrusday so I believe 56hrs or so n labor it was bad
  • I miss it very much! I cant wait to try for another but im going to wait a couple months
  • edited December 2011
    I miss being pregnant I had such a easy pregnancy ,he's almost 10weeks. We wanted to try again wene he was 6 months but since I had a c section doctor said its a good idea to wait atleast a year
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