here we go again.

I just took a test. Af is six days away but I couldn't resist. And its negative. It's discouraging but I also know its pretty early. When I got pregnant last time I felt like this. I have heart burn so bad my ears are on fire. I've had pinchy cramping. Little nausea. And these little bumps around my nipples. I get those when af is around but never more than two days before she shows and they've been there for about a week. I'm really crossing my fingers that it was too early. I wanna get my bf something really amazing for Christmas. And I hope its our first child. So please keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for me. Thank you for reading this. I appreciate it. Good luck to all other ttc mommies and new mommies. I pray for you guys all the time. Hopefully our prayers are heard!


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