does my baby have reflux or is he just a cry baby?

edited December 2011 in First time moms
my four month old all the sudden started crying more than often could it be reflux or is he just a cry baby? is there anyone with a baby that ever had reflux and or what r the symtoms?


  • Oh god mine too but he is six weeks. Been using something for trapped wind which has helped. Doctor said its reflux but he won't take the bottle to drink his meds so i don't know what to do. He is breast fed and pulls a away screaming during a feed and vomits after feeds and makes choking sounds that's what doc summed up as reflux but it has been improved a lot with colic stuff from chemist x
  • Definitely not reflux. My son has it and it is something they are born with... they grow out of it as they get older! Spitting up/throwing up is the main sign of reflux, not just crying. I would guess he is going through a growth spurt or starting to teethe!
  • edited December 2011
    We thought my baby had reflux, but turned out to be milk allergy from my diet. Do you BF? My Dr said it was reflux, but I didn't think so and eliminated milk and after it got out of my system, she doesn't have the issues eating and vomiting. My Dr said it is rare, but I am glad I listened to my instincts, this may or may not help, hopefully it gets better soon no matter what it is!!! I don't think he is a cry baby!
  • my little girl has pretty bad reflux it is bad enough she stopped breathing in the hospital and turned blue she doesnt really cry because of the reflux so i dont think your little one has reflux maybe just gassy
  • edited December 2011
    My 3 yr old son had it when he was a baby and had to have powderd gaviscon in his bottles (dont know if you'll have that in america). He used to through most of his bottles right back up again and we had to prop him up slightly in his basket as he was sick even more if you laid him flat, but never cried any extra because of it
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