The Final Five (weeks) and then some...

edited January 2012 in Third Trimester
I think some of the most common questions I've seen on this forum involve how it feels to go into labor and what happens in the weeks leading up to labor and delivery. So...I thought I would document my last few weeks with a nightly entry so that those of us waiting can compare notes and those who have recently delivered can provide their own insight. :)

Quick background: I'm 26 years old and married to a wonderful man in the Air Force. This is my second baby (4th pregnancy); my son is almost 6 years old and my due date is Jan. 13th. This pregnancy has been entirely different than my first pregnancy and I am definitely looking forward to delivering this baby. :)

5w0d: The baby was very active at the beginning of the week, but has drastically slowed down by today. I had a non stress test yesterday and the baby had a good strip, but wasn't really moving around much. They also did a fluid check and I had 16.8cm. I've noticed cervical pressure and pain, but no major change in discharge, but my hands, feet, and ankles are quite swollen and uncomfortable.

4w6d: My hands, feet, and ankles are still swollen, but the swelling went down a little bit by the afternoon. I'm slightly crampy and nauseous today. The baby still isn't as active and I'm uncomfortable.

4w5d: Still swollen :(. I'm very uncomfortable today, nauseous, and a little dizzy. I've been having some cramps and braxton hicks contractions. My lower back is also sore today, but I'm sure that's from the uncomfortable sleep I had last night. Tomorrow I have another NST scheduled and I will be sure to mention how quiet the baby has been and the swelling.


  • 4w4d: Today's NST didn't go as well, baby passed, but barely. Fluid levels were 15.4cm and I did have one tiny contraction while I was being monitored. Aside from my back being sore and my hands/feet still being swollen, my cervix is very sore and the baby has been pushing on it most of the day. Tonight my feet are still puffy and itch like crazy. :(
  • Im so sorry. :'(
  • @angel26 Right now we are ok, I'm only slightly worried. I'm paying very close attention to the baby's movement and won't hesitate to head to L&D if I need to. I feel confident that if Thursdays NST doesn't get better that my doctor is prepared. He shouldn't be hard to track down if they need to, lol. My only goal is to have a healthy baby, even if that means abandoning my hopes of a good vaginal delivery for a c-section.

    How are you feeling? I know you are a few weeks ahead of me and have been in early labor for quite some time.
  • I think i read that wrong. I thought you ment baby passed away. Lol. Sorry. Im really glad baby is ok. :)
    Im ok. Yes still in early labor and in so much pain. I had my membranes stripped yesterday and just trying to walk to get her out. She is definitely my trouble maker and i will be having a chat with her when she arrives. Lol.
  • 4w3d: Much of the same...swelling and over all discomfort. I haven't had an appetite the last few days and the nausea is definitely not from a craving or aversion. I know I need to eat, but NOTHING sounds appetizing...except maybe Taco Bell. lol Today brought more pressure and pain on my cervix and I'm certain the baby is engaged because the hip pain is gone and if I sit on the ball, the pressure I feel when I stand up is intense. Had a few more BH's today...hoping that Friday's appt has good news. :)

    @angel26 Sorry your baby girl is so stubborn! I told my hubby that if this one is anything like my first and decides to be sunny side up...I'm gonna spank the baby's bottom. lol
  • 4w2d: Today I felt like poo, didn't really do much of anything. Although I have no appetite, I am eating anything that sounds remotely good...and it's like I can't eat enough which is getting annoying because I am literally eating everything in the house, lol. I avoided making red velvet cupcakes w/ cream cheese frosting because I know if I do...they will be gone in record time. lol I've been itchy all day (I'm being watched for Cholestasis of Pregnancy) and it's driving me nuts. Little worried about tomorrow's NST because I know baby will be awake, but whether or not the heart rate will reflect the movements remains uncertain. :/ Still swollen with a slight headache on and off all day, so my doc will probably want to check to preclampsia on Friday.

    Congrats to @angel26 on the birth of her daughter!!!
  • edited December 2011
    4w1d: Today the baby failed the NST, but passed a biophysical profile. The tech said the baby was mimicking breathing movements more than many babies she has seen. I don't know what this will mean for us at this point, but I expect answers at my appointment in the morning. I was also told to keep an eye on movement. If I don't get 10 kicks in 2 hours, I am to go straight back to L&D. Still having pressure, still have puffy hands & feet, and I'm exhausted. I think I'll take a nap...

    *update* I feel asleep while trying to count kicks, lol, but the baby is moving and...I seem to be having some contractions...perhaps this bean has a plan that we are not aware of. Still, my poor hands and feet...thank goodness I have a doc appt at 9am.
  • 4w0d: Went to the doc today...he isn't worried about the NST. The baby is measuring a week ahead now and I apparently gained 8lbs in 2 & 1/2 weeks! :/ I convinced him to check me and I'm a fingertip dilated & very soft. :) He also gave me the green light to try EPO. We went to Babies R' Us tonight to get more diapers and a can of formula just in case breast feeding doesn't work out. I wasn't feeling very well most of the time at the store and had a few contractions. Came home and relaxed, but still very uncomfortable. I was able to convince the hubby to have sex, lol, I think he feels used. haha Then I decided to start with one EPO orally and 2 vaginally.

    *fingers crossed* I hope this baby is here by the end of the year. :)
  • 3w6d: MISERABLE! I didn't sleep well at all and I feel awful. On top if this (pardon the tmi) I have pooped 4 times today. :( I hadn't mentioned it in my previous posts, but I've been going like twice a day for the past week. :/ I'm also hungry with no appetite. I hope my body is prepping for labor because I can't do this for another 3+ weeks.
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  • @ArmahnisMommy This time around is definitely a lot harder than with my son. I also never went into labor naturally with my son, so that will be a new experience if the time comes. lol I'm also hoping this baby gets here early because my son's birthday is January is due on the 13th. lol
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  • edited December 2011
    @armahnismommy Nathan will be 6. I don't exactly want their birthdays that close, especially since they will be 6 years apart.

    3w5d: Ugh! These cramps are getting ridiculous. I keep feeling like I have to go to the bathroom, but I don't or can't. When I woke up this morning, my thighs were killing me, like I'd been running all night or something and my cervix feels like it's being ripped apart. To top it off, the heartburn is out of control, I've been dizzy/weak, and nauseas. :( I was planning to go to the grocery store, but I don't know if that's going to happen today. Oh, and the baby isn't moving a lot, unless hiccups count. Giving it another hour to get moving before calling L&D. Thank God I'm near the end...I hate worrying if the baby is ok in there.
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  • 3w4d: Today was awful. The baby passed the NST, although we had to use the buzzer twice. Fluid levels are 13cms. I've been getting dizzy & feeling weak for a few days, so I ended up being sent to L&D for bloodwork & to have my blood pressure monitored. The bloodwork came back fine, but my bp was low. Laying on my left side, my last 3 readings were 98/54, 98/54, & 101/54. The doc seems to think that's safe! Low bp could prevent my brain & other organs from receiving enough oxygen...probably the reason I get dizzy/lightheaded even when laying down. I usually have great bp, so this seems off to me. :/

    @homebirthadvocate What do you think about the bp? Is it too low? Thanks!
  • 3w3d: Felt awful most of the day, so I slept a lot. Still cramping & my back is so sore. Zantac doesn't seem to be helping the heartburn. :( My cervix is sore and I feel the pain everytime I stand, sit, or move.
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  • @homebirthadvocate My BP is usually 117ish/76ish. I've upped fluids and I'm eating every few hours, but I am still getting dizzy and feeling weak. I spend plenty of time resting and my hands & feet are almost always swollen to the point where they are painful to walk or bend my fingers. I've never had BP issues and had perfect BP with my son.
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  • I've been

    3w2d-2w5d: Still haven't been feeling amazing, but I do have an NST tomorrow, so I will be bringing it up. Had some contractions yesterday, but couldn't keep em going. Still cramping with pressure and my lower back/hips are beyond painful when changing position. I've also noticed that I don't really feel it when I pee anymore, lol. I will feel the need to pee, but the actual feeling of peeing...nothing. It's so weird! I am so ready at this point and I feel confident that this baby is too.

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  • 2w4d-2w3d: Feeling mostly tired and sore. My doc appt went well. I am 1cm, very thin, and stretchy. The doc said that should could have stretched me if she really wanted to hurt me, lol. My cervix has been quite sore over the last few weeks...I can feel it when I move as odd as that sounds. I am staying optimistic that this baby will arrive this weekend...I hope.
  • 2w2d-1w4d: A lot of the same, BUT...I am 2cm's and uncomfortable. Had a few contractions during the NST today, but still no doc appt is Thurs & I plan to ask for a membrane strip. I was losing more goo yesterday and my v-jay hurts, so I know I am dilating more. :) I'm just very ready! lol
  • 1w3d: *fingers crossed* that today is the day. I've been having cramps & contractions all morning which made sleep mostly impossible. I feel like I was woken up every hour. :( Right now my back is very sore and my upper thighs. Last night/this morning I had a lot of cervical pain, but no bloody show.
  • Any updates? Been keeping tabs on you cause we are close in dates. Hope all is well!
  • @babydoll1823 No change yet, just a lot of discomfort. I have an appt this morning, hopefully there is good news! When are you due?
  • Jan. 23rd. I am so ready! I am to the point where it just hurts to move. I started out at 93 lbs at 5'1". At my appointment on Tuesday, I was 142. Swelling is going crazy and I am just anxious for her to get here. Well, I hope all goes well with your appointment today! :)
  • 1w3d-6d: My appt was uneventful the other day. My doctor doesn't believe in cervical checks or membrane stripping...WTH! He gave the lamest excuse too. Said that I tested negative for GBS and what if I suddenly became positive, I might get an infection. How does that make sense? Wouldn't he just order antibiotics during delivery if he was overly concerned that I might become positive. Either way, I was having some contractions during the NST, so the tech ordered a check. Still at a 2.

    Today, I am very uncomfortable. My upper thighs are so sore right now and I'm feeling a lot of pressure. I can barely walk. :( I'm hoping that this is the beginning of labor because I don't think I can do this for another week+. If I make it to my next appt, I will be requesting an induction date because I DO NOT want to go to 41 weeks this time. I also feel/fear my baby will be big (my first was 8lb 9oz & 21 inches) but the doctor doesn't agree even though I told him they didn't think my son was as big as he was.
  • edited January 2012
    @tawanna613 Thanks!

    I am 5 days from my DD now and rather cranky. I can't walk around, which would help, and it's very irritating. My thighs, lower back, & tail bone are so sore. :( I'll update again later.

    Awkward....I blew my nose and my nipple leaked. lol
  • @tawanna613 Still pregnant. :/ How are you feeling?
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