membrane strip today. ;) *final update, for this post



  • Hang in there mama
  • FINAL UPDATE (for this post)
    I went in. I was contracting 2-4 min and of course they spread out and decreased in intensity when i got there. I was very dehydrated so they made me drink 5 cups of water in 1 1/2 hours. I have had no progress, im still 3cm, 70% effaced. Which i find very discouraging cuz i had been losing bloody mucous all day. They gave me a shot for pain and to help me sleep (cuz i was still hurting pretty bad) and sent me home. They said drink lots of water and go home and sleep. The nurse didn't think it would be long before actual labor would come. I drank so much water last night and it made me need to pee super bad. So the last time before going home i went pee. And of course a ton came out. I sat til everything came out but even after i thought i was done peeing i was sitting there and still had to sit there for a while. Cuz i still was 'trickling' "something". Every time i wiped more came out. This happened for like 10 min. But oh well i guess. I came home and went to sleep. So now its morning and nothing has happened. I feel like crying. Im going to go buy castor oil. Im desperate. And then im going to try staying as active as possible. Thanks ladies. I know she will come when she's ready but im still pretty sad. I thought for sure id be holding my little girl by now. Oh well i guess.
  • Im still contracting but not as bad. Still cramping and backache. I have a headache and im still tired from the meds. But that's it.
  • I felt like crap the two days before i had my lo. Im sure Its anytime for you. :)
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