Any advice?

Any advice as to how I can get my lo to sleep in his crib or bassinet? All he wants to do is sleep with us in our bed. I also need to get him on a schedule for when I go back to work. Anyone have any idea's and any idea's or tricks you ladies have to get baby to sleep through the night would be nice.


  • Can you get a bed side bassinet and start with a few hours a night? Lay your hand on your little one to comfort them and use a blankie you guys have slept with a few days. How old is he? Sorry I don't remember...
  • I have a co-sleeper bassinet but he didn't like it so I switched him to another bssinet and he doesn't really like it either but that's a smart idea to put the co-sleeper up again and put it next to the bed that way he feels like he is with us still. He is 4 weeks almost 5. @ashleyz
  • Oh so he's still little yet! We moved my son at 6 Weeks but it probably took two Weeks or so.
  • I hope it works the bf n I are getting restless lol @ashleyz
  • To sleep bettr I get my daughter up at 8pm try to get her to stay up till 10pm bathe her massage wit a calming lotion till bout 10.30/11pm then shes wore out ! She she slept 6 hours tonite it felt great
  • Lucky my lo sleeps maybe an hour if he happens to fall asleep away from us at night.. but I gave up and let him sleep with us and he slept 4 hours I believe. @mrz_jackson2anpreggo
  • Brantley falls asleep about 7p. We wake him for a bottle around 8:30p for a bottle. He is swaddled tightly around the arms and put down in his crib. He has a little night light and a white noise machine. He wakes for a bottle around 3a. Sometimes he wakes up in the early morning 5ish just to be held and rocked.
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