
edited December 2011 in Sleep
My little girl is 5 weeks old today. For the last two nights she has gotten up every two hours like clock work & acts like she is starving. But during the day she is fine, she will go the full four hours between feedings like she has been doing. So why all of the sudden the nightly change? I go back to work soon & don't want this to stay lol.


  • Does she sleep on you during day on in crib or bassinet at night? During my lo's growth spurts she does that, but during day sleeps solid (likes the snuggles, warmth and un I think)... Irritating :(
  • Maybe try and squeeze another feeding our two in today? We have never tried to "stretch" feedings during the day and if Brantley wakes up earlier than normal I use his binky and I can usually get another hour.
    Its probably just the 6 week growth spurt!
  • No I try to put her down during the day so she doesn't get use to being held all the time @jellybelly1015.
    I usually don't either, I just feed her when she is shows signs of being hungry @ashleyz, but maybe I will try & feed her more today so we can all get sleep tonight.
  • My baby is 6 wks an she was doin that so at bout 8 pm I get her up feed her an undress her an keep her awake till 10pm then I bathe her an massage her real slow wit calming lotion an dress her warm till its bout 10:30/11 pm then get her to sleep by then she's wore out an sleeps really good slept 6 hours tonite !
  • That's awesome @nex_jackson2anpreggo! I will be trying that tonight. How do you keep her awake for so long?
  • Cuz i try to make it to where that's wen her next feeding is so I feed her then talk to.her or lay her on the couch to look around an if she gets drowsy I take a layer of clothes off sum times jus leave her n jus her diaper an that keeps her up if I can keep her up atleast 2 hours she does a lot bettr an then the bath an massage really helps calm her an I do it slow as she will let me that keeps her up lil longer to
  • Oh ok thanks for the idea...I will def be trying that tonight:-)
  • Good luck let me no if it works for ya !
  • First, I DON'T Want to freak you out. This was MY situation so yours could be different! But my girl was doing that, getting up every few hours at night, but lasting 4-5 hours during the day without nursing. Went to the Dr, and my baby had barely gained weight, and I had started my period, and the Dr said my supply could be dwindling and she's just distracted during the day, but at night is hungry. So we switched to formula, and her sleeping turned around almost immediately. My daughter is older (4.5 months when this happened) and it might not be right for you, but just thought I'd share!
  • Thanks @mrz_jackson2anpreggo.
    Thanks for sharing @natashalynn, but I don't think that's the case so far, at her 1 month appt she weighed 8lbs 15oz & she was 6lbs 5oz when she was born. I have yet to get my period, & my supply to seems to be alright, I have to pump while she sleeps, otherwise I get sore. I wonder since she is sleeping more through the day that she is not eating enough & realizes at night time.
  • edited December 2011
    Is probably a growth spurt. My little one is formula fed and she does that sometimes
  • Yes only at night.. and she would sleep like a rock during the day.
  • Wonderful..that sounds like it, I wish it was the opposite
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