teething, sick or bad day..?

edited December 2011 in Babies Health
Usually Lillys really happy. All smiles, cooing and just content. Today tho her 10am nap got cut short and she's acting like a crab :( she cried for almost 45 minutes then finally fell back asleep in my arms. She wasn't hungery, clean diaper, everything. She took some gripewater and that seemed to help some (her poor guts were gurgling). I felt in her mouth but I'm a ftm so I don't know what to feel for. It seems like where her molars will be there is a flat spot..? That's the best way I Can describe it, just flat like maybe there's something under the gum..? Do you think she might be teething (she'll be 4 months on the 15th..seems early to me), just sleepy and crabby and it'll pass or what? Thanks ladies, just don't like to see her upset and acting like something hurts


  • You would feel a bump. Not flat. And usually front teeth come first. Also gums would probably be red.
  • @steph_due_101611 ok..thanks. her gums are red, she can't keep her hands out of her mouth and is chewing on her fingers a lot. She has wavey gums (is that normal of are the waves I feel little teeth..?) But a couple flat parts. sorry I can't describe it better..just hate that it feels like something isn't right and I can't put my finger on it :( I don't have any one I can ask for advice so thanks a lot for some input on this
  • My lo gums look wavy. I think that's normal. But if you can feel if you can feel teeth then ya. Try giving tylonel. Lots of people say use baby orajel but i wouldn't. It can pose a choking hazard.
  • My lo is 6 weeks and teething so 4 months is not to early and how I could tell is insted of suck on the bottle nipple she was chowing on it and then I could see a tooth
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