Need help to quit smoking.

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I am 6 weeks and I am wanting to quit smoking. Any suggestions? I've smoked for several years and enjoy it but don't want to smoke anymore.


  • Well u can do like I did....I used to save myself a short off each cigarette....tell one day I just woke up..not wanting try cutting helps
  • Yup dun stop just cut back
  • @mamamaid totally agreed...I cut back to only half a cigarette at a time and it ended up working out to 2 cigarettes a day and it just goes from there... I have not had a cigarette at all today... hopefully we can keep that up :)
  • I have not smoked one since da end of my first month and um 3 now
  • I have faith in u mommies :D
  • Thanks Momma's. I'm thinking cutting back until no more is the best plan. :-)
  • Well that's all we need :) a little faith and some pixie dust :p
  • I so glad someone posted this I am having the hardest time quiting my husband hates it and my dr.s are no help. The more I beat myself up about it the more I seem to there any other suggestions out there
  • Stay strong, remember why you are quiting, and dont beat yourself up if you slip up. Good luck. It'll all be worth it
  • @ccnum2 don't pressure yourself i did the same thing and i smoked more in the end also. Just cut back little by little and your body will tell u when ur done ur baby will say enough is enough and the smell will make u since one day and u won't crave anymore it happened to me and a lot of girls i know said the same thing for them :)
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