Unwanted advice/input...
OH MY GOODNESS! Obviously coming on here and asking is different, but outside of this forum...I am not entirely open the input or opinions of others when it comes to me and my pregnancy. It seems like they come out of the woodwork...with less than 5 weeks until my due date and with plenty else going on that isn't pregnancy related, I am fresh out of patience. Someone may get a verbal lashing...lol. I'll start the list...feel free to add ladies, I know this is something we can all agree on.
1. Stop confusing "I think" with "I know". You may think you know the gender of my baby, but unless you have a window into my uterus or the baby is here, you don't know. And I swear if I hear..."I told you it was a _______.", I may hurt someone. The closest thing to an ultrasound or the physical presence of my baby is my intuition.
2. If you don't have children, don't offer me advice. Let's not forget that this isn't my first, I've done this before. My son is well mannered and well behaved 99% of the time, he rarely gets sick, he is a little gentleman, and he loves me more than anyone on this planet...CLEARLY I've done something right! I don't need a non-parent (not even pregnant) telling me that they heard the diapers I registered for aren't very good. Hm...let me think about that one. I used them with my son and I loved them because they held a ton of piss and since my son had amazing bladder control early on, he could piss a ton at once. I obviously have a preference for them or otherwise I wouldn't have registered for them AND even if they don't work as well for this baby, I can always EXCHANGE them!
3. If I don't know you personally, don't invite yourself to my house to help me take care of my children. AGAIN...I'VE DONE THIS BEFORE! I didn't have a lot of help with my son, I'm sure I can handle it. My son will be in school for 7-8 hours a day, which will leave me plenty of time to care for my baby AND my hubby will be home with us for 2-4 weeks...plenty of time to figure out a balance. (Seriously...this woman is related to my hubby somehow. I've never met her and he's met her twice. Who the hell invites themselves...just because it's Hawaii. This isn't a vacation for me...I live here and I sure as hell am not boarding someone and playing tour guide!)
4. "I don't do gooey babies, I will visit you AFTER you leave the hospital." Did I invite you to my delivery? I don't believe I did. I want it to be my hubby and me which is easy since we live 5,000 miles from family. Seriously though...why would I want an audience? I went as far as to not give the hospital permission to disclose ANYTHING to ANYONE. People can call all they want...I'm not a patient there. If I want you to know, I will call you.
5. While we are on that topic..."Let us know as soon as she goes into labor!" (to my hubby) OH HELL NO! You will not be calling and/or texting him or I. I swear to God I will throw a phone! My last labor was nearly 13 hours after the start of pitocin, then there were 2 hours waiting for the pitocin order to be located or to get my doc on the phone. Can anyone imagine a phone going off for that long?! I don't think so.
I'm sure I will think of more...lol.
6. (In comments)
1. Stop confusing "I think" with "I know". You may think you know the gender of my baby, but unless you have a window into my uterus or the baby is here, you don't know. And I swear if I hear..."I told you it was a _______.", I may hurt someone. The closest thing to an ultrasound or the physical presence of my baby is my intuition.
2. If you don't have children, don't offer me advice. Let's not forget that this isn't my first, I've done this before. My son is well mannered and well behaved 99% of the time, he rarely gets sick, he is a little gentleman, and he loves me more than anyone on this planet...CLEARLY I've done something right! I don't need a non-parent (not even pregnant) telling me that they heard the diapers I registered for aren't very good. Hm...let me think about that one. I used them with my son and I loved them because they held a ton of piss and since my son had amazing bladder control early on, he could piss a ton at once. I obviously have a preference for them or otherwise I wouldn't have registered for them AND even if they don't work as well for this baby, I can always EXCHANGE them!
3. If I don't know you personally, don't invite yourself to my house to help me take care of my children. AGAIN...I'VE DONE THIS BEFORE! I didn't have a lot of help with my son, I'm sure I can handle it. My son will be in school for 7-8 hours a day, which will leave me plenty of time to care for my baby AND my hubby will be home with us for 2-4 weeks...plenty of time to figure out a balance. (Seriously...this woman is related to my hubby somehow. I've never met her and he's met her twice. Who the hell invites themselves...just because it's Hawaii. This isn't a vacation for me...I live here and I sure as hell am not boarding someone and playing tour guide!)
4. "I don't do gooey babies, I will visit you AFTER you leave the hospital." Did I invite you to my delivery? I don't believe I did. I want it to be my hubby and me which is easy since we live 5,000 miles from family. Seriously though...why would I want an audience? I went as far as to not give the hospital permission to disclose ANYTHING to ANYONE. People can call all they want...I'm not a patient there. If I want you to know, I will call you.
5. While we are on that topic..."Let us know as soon as she goes into labor!" (to my hubby) OH HELL NO! You will not be calling and/or texting him or I. I swear to God I will throw a phone! My last labor was nearly 13 hours after the start of pitocin, then there were 2 hours waiting for the pitocin order to be located or to get my doc on the phone. Can anyone imagine a phone going off for that long?! I don't think so.
I'm sure I will think of more...lol.
6. (In comments)
Might confuse them long enough to excape.
@starrxoxo9 Haha! Agreed! No...of course we aren't excited, why would bringing a new baby into this world be anything to get excited about?
@conreeaght Sadly, I had to reread that. lol However, in my defense, it is 5am. lol
@armahnismommy Thanks!
I thought of another one!!!
6. Same lady that invited herself to my home...so I've been horribly itchy, but it's not PUPPS. I am being monitored for the Cholestasis of Pregnancy, but so far my levels are within a normal/safe range. ANYWAYS...so she decides to 'troubleshoot' with me about what could be causing the itch. "Is it something your eating? Are you allergic to anything? etc" I told her it isn't something I am eating to which she tells me I could keep a log to track what I eat and see if there is something there. What part of I haven't eaten anything out of the normal didn't she get? AND obviously I've thought all of this through! I seriously was about to say...."Oh no, I love the itching, it's like a new past time! Gotta get my fix ya know?" She recommended calamine lotion...I've switched laundry soap, body wash, lotions, and gotten rid of my dryer sheets...it isn't topical or environmental...NO AMOUNT OF CALAMINE LOTION IS GOING TO STOP ME FROM ITCHING LADY! *sigh* lol
Poor hubby, he also told her he was getting a squadron award (meaning he is being recognized out of a few hundred people) and her response was, "What will it be?" How is that her first thought? Shouldn't it be congratulations?! Who cares if it's a plaque or even just a piece of paper?