Anxiety Attack
Just had one. Worst thing ever. So I left my bf when our son was 8days old bc after a night of heavy drinking he got mad at me for a fb status, came home, destroyed the house, then threatened to kill me and the police if they showed up. Well they showed up, he was detained, I filed a report, and he got picked up by one of his friends to stay the night there. Needless to say I packed all of our stuff and immediately drove 15hrs home.... So his family lives four hours from my house and he is coming home on leave. We still talk bc I love him to death and we have a son. I agreed to go up to his parents while he was home so that he could spend time with our son but now that he is here I'm freaking out. I'm so scared to see him. That night was the worst night of my life. I know he wouldn't but I'm freaking out thinking he's going to take our son and disappear. Or I'm going to see him and forget all about that night and we're going to act like a couple while I'm there. I know I will NOT move back down but I'm so nervous to see him. And the last thing I want to do is have sex with him but I feel like it will probably happen. Gah. I get no service up there. His parents know what happened. This is going to be so awkward and just bleh. I don't even want to go. I am doing the right thing though, right? Just needed to vent really. This sucks.