Dad kills toddler son

edited December 2011 in Current Events
A man killed his toddler son by beating him on the head with a jug cord and leaving him alone in his room for several hours, a court has heard.

Two-year-old Joshua died on September 24, 2007, from brain injuries caused by the vicious attack inflicted on him by his father, John Michael Prisk.

The Supreme Court in Brisbane heard on Friday that Prisk, now 38, was home alone with Joshua at their Margate home when he beat the toddler for not doing what he was told.

Prosecutor Vicki Loury said he then bathed Joshua and put him in his room.

The toddler, who had bleeding on the brain, choked on his own vomit and slipped into unconsciousness.

He was rushed to hospital several hours later but was pronounced brain dead soon after.

Prisk initially denied any wrongdoing, telling police his son had fallen when he got out of the bath.

He later admitted hitting Joshua but said he had not wanted to kill him.

Prisk was charged with murder but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter on the first day of his trial earlier this year.

The sentence was adjourned until Friday.

The court heard Joshua had spent most of his life in care but had been returned to the family home in October 2006.

Ms Loury said neither of his biological parents had bonded with him, and they had intended to send him back to live with his foster mother.

Ms Loury told the court both parents had abused Joshua in the months leading up to his death, using weapons to hit him for misbehaving or crying.

When he died he had multiple injuries at different stages of healing on his body.

Prisk was sentenced on Friday to eight and a half years' jail.

He will be eligible for parole in a few months after having served more than four years in pre-sentence custody.


  • That is horrible
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  • He doesn't deserve to walk around freely. They should castrate him to make sure he can never father another child.
  • cannot believe that poor little boys life is only worth 8 1/2 years. It absolutely sickens me that people like this are allowed to have children. Rest in peace little Joshua :(
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  • This disgusts me. This is where our judicial system fails us. This brings to mind that although it is a natural step in life not all humans should reproduce. I live close to Detroit and in the news the last few weeks several innocent children have been killed. I am starting to think that there really should be some kind of testing to reassure that you are capable of parenting/raising your child into a valuable member of society. Children, unfortunately cannot choose their parents, someone has to look out for them!
  • Smh some ppl can get away with murder others would be crucified I don't get how the the hell do u get manslaughter for intentionally killing an innocent child n bullshit he wasn't trying to its sickening I wish I wouldn't have read this!
  • Um anyone else concerned that he had been abused by them before, and yet was still in their care?? This is the system failing a little boy.
  • this gave me goose bumps and im not going to sensor myself he is a sick fuck who should have got the death penalty if not life in prison so his braincould rot with the wrong he has done if it would have even bothered him. rest in peace joshua GOD will take care of you now so you have nothing to worry about *in tears* ppl like this make me SICK smh
  • I'm just so fucking pissed....ugh that guy deserved the death sentence.. justice now a days is beyond screwed
  • Some guy in my area beat his like 3 month old and the baby is in critical condition. He's set on a million dollar bail. How could anyone do such things to helpless babys and children! If i was that mother that guy would be six feet under >:0
  • Wow how tragic. If you cant handle being a parent give your child to get authorities and let someone else love and raise them
  • What about the mom? It said both parents had abused him, so they both need to be in prison!
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