
edited December 2011 in Sleep
During the day makenzie goes 3-4hrs between feedings. at night im lucky if its 2hrs. shes bottle fed and dad works over night so im the only one to get up. im getting maybe 4hrs a sleep a night and cant nap durung the day because i work. i dont know what to do.


  • My son is the same way lately. I breastfeed and he can go 3-4 hours during the day. For the past week he has been wanting to nurse every 1-2 hours. He was doing great sleeping for 5 hours when I first get him to bed, then 3 hours after that. Maybe they are going thru a growth spurt. I'm the only one here too, my husband is overseas. He wouldn't be able to get up and feed the baby, but I wish I had his help with other things...2 kids are a challenge
  • I was the same around 8 weeks I might have gotten 6 hours of.sleep try not letting ur baby nap for more than 2 hours during the day
  • @preggointx what about newborns my baby girl is 10 days old and she sleeps a lot during the day we get her up to feed and change and she falls asleep by the end of the feeding?
  • @jules Newborns need their sleep. That's normal. If your daughter hasn't reached her birth weight yet, wake her up every 2 hours at night and during the day to feed her. Once she reaches birthweight then go on demand, most likely will not beable able toto sleep anyfor longer than 2.5 hours
  • @crisjoe she had a check up today and is now 2oz passed her birth weight I think I'm going up wake her up during the day to feed and try and chill with her and not wake her at night and just try and get her to sleep right after feeding so she can start the transition between morning and night cause right now her schedule is still off so at night she is side awake after feedings.
  • If you co sleep, learn to feed laying down.. its a godsend! We've been doing it for about 2 weeks. She just suckles as long as she wants & lets go when done. I love it. Even if im her nighttime binky. I get extra rest cause she knows what shes doing.
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