I feel like all I do is cry now a days

edited December 2011 in Depression
Have been up for the past 3 hours just crying. The baby sleeps so well during the day and goes every 3-4 hours for feedings and at night I am lucky if I can get her to strech every 2 hours. I text my fiance who is at work (working over nights) to just vent and he says "I don't know why you expect her to sleep all night shes an infant. Deal with it it will get better"

Seriously I could kill him. WTH is that? I never said I wanted her to sleep all night and I know she is an infant and that they don't sleep all night im not stupid. It is just frustrating that he works nights and I am the only one to get up all nigth with her. I go back to work next week and I work at 630am so I have to get up at 5 to start getting the both of us ready so that I can leave to get to her my moms before I go to work. So here I am getting 4 hours of sleep at night if I am luck and YES he gets to sleep all fu*king day while the baby is at my moms.

Then when I get off work at 4 I pick her up and go home I want to spend time with my daughter not go to sleep until my fiance leaves for work at 930.

I love her and don't regret having her I just wish that the asshole would understand where I am coming from. We both have weekends off but he sleeps through her crying at night so I am the one getting up then too. I have tired tell him but all he says is "I am helping as much as i can what else do you want from me".

Then he leaves his facebook up on the computer and I see that he is messaging friends about how all i do is bitch and my mom and grandma are trying to raise our kid and he is pissed about it. My mom and grandma have been the ones helping me I guess he doesnt want me to have help.

I am doing it all on my own anyway I might as well be alone at least then I wouldn't have to fight with someone ontop of it all.


  • edited December 2011
    That is f'ed up he is complaining about their helping and he doesn't do anything. I would have gotten on fb and posted, hey, this is his fiancee, he might be bitching about this, but truth is he sleeps and offers no help, so they are picking up the slack where he sleeps. It would start a fight, Yeah, but he'd be forced to face the issues and maybe even man up. But this is me, I'm a confrontationalist.
  • I know how you feel, my hubby works 8 hours away and only comes home on the weekends, and at night when baby is hungry he doesnt want to get up but I make him do it. I pretend to be asleepand he will get up. He doesnt want to admit that its alot of work, but it is because he nags about why shes awake. All he says to me is to have patience when he doesn't have it for one night. I would tell him to pick up the babyafter he gets out of work at your moms, why should you be doing everything. He needs to be in your position to know what your going thru and you need a break. I also suggest to wake up your baby during the day so she can sleep at night better at least so she can only be up to eat and she will go back to sleep. So try playing with her and have the light on during the day and make it dark and cozy for bedtime.
  • My baby was doing that too. I had to do something quite aggressive to change her sleep pattern cuz she was awake all nite. First of all i had to stop watching tv and having any lights on. I would not engage her by talking or playi.g with her. She was pissed the first nite. I placed her in her bassinet when she would fall asleep. Then when she woke up would let her cry for 5 min at a time b4 soothing her. I wouldnt pick her up just try soothing her by patting her and humming a lulliby. Once she calmed down leave her again and if she cried let her cry again but only for 5 minutes b4 soothing her. The first nite was hell, but by three nites she was sleeping for 3-5 hours at nite.

    Sorry your man is not more supportive. I have found that the inequality of responsibility for our daughter has made me want to sock my husband in the face preferrably while he is in a deep sleep. We never really fought b4 having our baby but tension is high now.
  • Im at the point where i just want to leave him im doing it alone anyway.
  • I would have prob caught it but she was in thr nicu for a week before she came home.
  • Sometimes I hear about Moms leaving to go run an errand or just go out for a couple hours and letting Dad take care of the kids on their own. Then they see how much work it is and how exhausting it can be and all of a sudden the complaining stops! Could you go out for a bit and leave him with baby so he can get a wake-up call?
  • No he doesnt know how to take care of her i dont trust him alone with her. he can never stay awake and he doesnt heat her when she cries when he is sleeping.
  • I'm going through the same thing.i was sleeping on the couch because I've been trying to make it easier on him since I'm not working right now but I'm going back in a week and a half and he has done nothing to help what so ever so I said screw it and let the baby keep him up all night. Well he left this morning without saying anything to me. I'm thinking I'm heading towards being a single mom
  • Oh wow it sucks that he isn't supporting you.. my husband works two jobs and still helps some. He learned the hard way. He started not wanting to help with our first kid. I went aggressive on his butt.. I pretended to be sleeping and he would wake up.. at first whining. Then he learned how hard it was and didn't mind helping. Now with our second he is more help. But you need to trust him more with the baby.
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