Odd question- is this heartburn?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hi I am nearly 12 weeks pregnant (yay!!) and I keep getting a burning pain and acid rising in my throat. I have never had heartburn or indigestion or anything like that so don't know what It's like. Sometimes the acidy feeling so bad it makes me sick after I eat. Anyone know what it is and how to get rid of it please? Thanks ladies x


  • Yep that's it try tums and milk sleep slightly elevated to keep it down at night...welcome to pregnancy ;)
  • Thank you! Will go buy some now! I'm quite excited to be having another symptom hopefully means baby progressing well. When do the nice things like glossy hair and beautiful skin and tons of energy kick in? Can't wait for them! Lol
  • Lol....sometimes they don't, but you will start feeling better into the 2nd trimester :) you should get some energy back then too
  • I had heartburn really bad with my last two pregnancies. I was popping tums like candy. My Dr had me take low dose ranitidine you can get it otc. I only took it when I had heartburn. I asked him if it was safe with the baby and he said it was and it was a better alternative than taking all the tums. Just an fyi. Something to ask your ob about if your getting heartburn really bad.
  • By the way lot of hair.
  • OK great thanks. Got some gaviscon and it worked! mom60511 do you mean the baby will have lots of hair if I have heartburn? X
  • Yeah I had 3 babies so far and horrible heartburn with all 3 and 3 full heads of hair. No heartburn with this one yet so we'll see.
  • *Also try to stay upright for at least an hour after eating... seems to help keep the acid down!
    @mom60511... I had terrible heartburn w/ my first & she came out almost completely bald! Lol...
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