isabella marie torres born 11/30/11

edited December 2011 in Loss
I finally gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. She was so small and gorgeous. She had tons of hair, and looked so much like her daddy <3
I had her at 34w3d. But she had passed away at 33w5d. I was in the hospital for 5days trying to give birth to her. It was the most bitter sweet moment I have ever felt in my entire life. Pushing my little girl out and seeing her for the first time, only to say goodbye. I miss my sweet angel so much. I wish so badly that i could hold her and kiss her again. But it isn't possible. I can't be angry at anyone for this happening. Not even God. I had the perfect pregnancy. And they found no cause of death. I'm assuming she pinched her cord somehow and cut off the oxygen/blood supply to herself. But that's just my thought. I pray that she is okay up there, and I know she is. Its just hard living every day knowing that she could be in my arms right now. Her due date was january 8th. 2012. As it inches closer idk what to think. Or how to feel. Its so difficult to put my emotions and thoughts into words. I still feel like I'm in a dream and it will all be over soon. Idk. Its just hard. But I know that she is in the most peaceful place there is. I love my Sunshine <3

Isabella Marie Torres
Born November 30th, 2011
8:19pm; 3pounds 11.8ouncez. 17& 3/4inches long


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