Am I CRAZY????

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
I really want another baby!! I just had my lil boy in November and i want another one!! Not to mention that I have 3 girls too!! I just think that my girls are older I really want to have another baby that can be close in age with my son!!


  • We want one too and my baby boy is 10 weeks old but we are planning to start ttc around August, we want to because we want Zorian to have a sibling close in age too :)
  • ...So no you're not crazy! ;;)
  • @ExcitedForOctober well good luck to you! My husband is up in the air about having another one!! He rhinks we will be robing him. All of our kids have at least 4 years between them.. :(
  • Oh wow lol how many kids do u want? I want a big Family too n want them close in age. Do u have pics of ur lil girls that u can post?
  • To tell you the truth I kind of feel bad about "robbing" my baby boy of ALL my attention :-( My bf is the one that is pushing more towards having another one soon, I'm not against it but I'm kinda scared!
  • I'm not sure maybe one more! Althogh I wouldn'r mind having twins!! I'm a twin!! I do have pics of my girls, how do you post them in a post?
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  • I find myself thinking about having another one but im going to atleast wait a until my daughter is a year old she just turned 5 months on the 21st I don't think you're crazy :)
  • @kasey625 I'm glad I'm not th eonly one wanting one so soon after!! Now if i could just get my husband on board!! lol
  • Your super crazy!! Just kidding! Ive been having baby fever. But I hated being pregnant. So im waiting at least until shes out of diapers
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