scared on not knowing when

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
I am almost 35 weeks and scared to death of not knowing when to go to the hospital. I am not even real sure I know what contractions feel like. Everyone says I will just know, but I am in floods of pain throughout the day. Feel like I am carrying around a bowling ball in my pelvis, and the back pain is horrible. My OB seems to dismiss anything I tell him. Any advice?? Just feel pretty alone.


  • I am a FTM mom and I was also scared like you, and I know you are probably tired of hearing this but YOU WILL KNOW when its time. I was having what I "thought were contractions" about a week or 2 before I gave birth and one morning I woke up with pain and I just immediatey knew that THESE were contractions, not the ones I was having bfore. They are really intense mentrual feeling cramps that come and go regularly. I was at home for 12 hours in labor before I went to the hospital and I was still only 2cm dilated.
  • Time ur contractions
  • I was terrified! And then my water broke at a restaurant lol so I had to go in.. it was a tad embarrassing
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