So my boyfriends whole family is here, along with his cousins new baby, who I desperately want to hold. But Daniel is super cranky and its naptime, so Im stuck downstairs with him. But he WILL NOT NAP. Ive been trying to lay down and feed him, but he just fusses and rolls away.



  • Make the boyfriend watch him for 10 minutes, but other than that i'd say grow up, baby always comes first
  • Wow that was rude! I completely understand, my baby cries all the time. It's frustrating, tiring, and takes a toll on you! Needing time with adults is completely understandable!
  • Thanks @smcox! It really took me by surprise, usually hes such a good baby. I do find it rougher than I thought, being a SAHM. I love being able to be there all the time for Daniel, but by the end of the day, I definitely crave adult conversation. My poor boyfriend ends up getting a super clingy girlfriend, lol.
  • I'm a sahm too and my hubby is on Alaska right now so I don't get a whole lot of help. I do ask my parents to take him sometimes cuz it really is difficult! And anyone who says it's not and they never need time away (even a few minutes) is lying! LOL
  • My son never naps =( so i can relate to how you are feeling. I hope he finally went down for you =)
  • I know it's hard my little guy doesn't sleep hope you got him to lay down
  • Awww I know what you mean! Adult conversation is needed lol! I have 3 kids and a newborn. The 2 older ones have been out of school for Christmas break for the last week and as much as I love them...whewww I need a break sometimes from child talk hehe! My baby girl controls everything right now esp. since I am nursing. It's hard so I understand you need a lil break sometimes!
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