shame on so many of you...

Shame on all of the new trash that has joined (or i should say RE-JOINED) to just cause problems! Have you ever once took anyone else into consideration... What about the 16 yr old who ends up pregnant and comes here looking for grown up advise and just sees a bunch of grown a*s woman acting like fools!? Woman need to be there for eachother without all the bulls*it!!

Its refreshing to see the new members that have joined for the right reasons but shame on the rest of u who think u are so funny... Smh!

I know it doesnt help to have another post telling u all to STOP... Just stop already. Are ur lives really that miserable that u need to spend ur time doing this?


  • Im new and totally agree, its beyond pathetic. X
  • New trash? That isn't nice.
  • And by calling people "new trash" makes you better? I'm confused :/
  • But... Why we gotta be trash though? So does this mean we're recycled? That's "new" trash... Because if we're recycled we're good for this group... Recycling benefits the planet so it can definitely benefit Pregly...
  • @mommyof3girls Is your life really that miserable that you need to spend time calling people out?
  • Thts why every one think I'm fake!
    That's sad :(
  • wow...i realize now that i kindof miss the old pregly before the bans...
  • I was never on the old site but this is quite foolish. 98% of this has nothing to do with pregnancy.
  • I posted a picture of my garbage on PFA. y'all are crazy!
  • :-| I know rigght?....& to think they begged the mods & martin to re-open the forum.....sumone should've told them this would happen! Oh well......WELCOME NEW PREGLY SISTER'S SORRY FOR THE MUCK! PLZ POST FREELY....IM HAPPY TO HELP WHEN I CAN! :D
  • If none of the other posts work...why would this one.,.., smdh... get over it...people guna talk shit... boohoo....pfff
  • In my opinion if you weren't causing drama you wouldn't be offended...not trying to be disrespectful just sayin...i'm glad they opened it up because i have wanted to be a member since i was six months pregnant& couldn't.
  • How is someone who complains about the shit talkers/drama starters any better than the ppl behind it? Ya'll feed into it hardcore. Obviously since you all respond and/or make meaningless posts about it such as this. Just throwing it out there, take or for what it is.
  • And ur better because ur calling them trash? And u prolly feed into it too.....all right well whatever floats ur boat but it doesn't make n e thing better
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