how soon

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
How soon after ovulation can you take a pregnancy test and be positive? nervous need texting buddies


  • I always waited 2 weeks at least, just to be sure, so you don't get sad if you get a bfn and in reality its a bfp. Good luck!
  • Idk I always waited like 1 to 2 days before my period...I don't really know when I ovulated. Bump!
  • I think the earliest is 5 days before your "missed period"
  • I know some ladies on here have gotten a faint bfp as soon as like 8days after ovulation.
  • I got my BFP about a week after ovulation. Here, there are hospital labs that will draw blood for $15, and you get the results within 45 minutes.
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