Milk allergy?

edited December 2011 in First time moms
My son has a milk allergy so he's on Nutramigen. Does it usually go away?


  • A lot of babies do grow out of it..not all but Dr told me as other foods are introduced they may.
  • @augustbaby alot of people tell me that I hope he does lol thank you!
  • My now12 yr old did. He went from having to drink soy until he was 18 months, lactose free milk until he was 4 (he was allergic to milk sugars, even broke out when he was tiny). He finally started having regular milk after 4. But even now if he has too much milk, yogurt or ice cream he feels flu like. Hopefully your little one will get over it, most kiddos do, to some degree :)
  • My 6 year old had a milk and soy allergy and was on alimentum. She was perfect by 1 and hadn't had any allergies to anything!! B-)
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