sad and confused...

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
So i had an amnio on friday and they had planned on inducing me christmas night bc they were sure i would be ready. They wanted to induce me bc of my choleostasis and my kidney still not working. Then they called and said that at 37 1/2 weeks his lungs were only at 41 and they needed to be in the 50's to pass so they cancelled the induction. If 37 weeks is considered full term shouldnt his lungs be mature? Im getting worried...


  • Im sorry. I hope you get your baby soon.
  • I'm sorry!! I had choleostasis and I didn't get induced until two days before my due date.. But 37 weeks normaly is considered full term.. I had to go twice a week for testing and they didn't think my son was ready till then, I was suspossed to be induced at 37 weeks also.. Good luck!!
  • Sometimes they develop a little later, which is why full term is considered 37 to 42 weeks. A few days will do a lot though, so maybe sometime this week they can repeat the amnio and baby will be ready! Good luck!
  • They may have your due date wrong you may actually not be 37 weeks. But as long as they didn't say he wasn't growing you and baby should be fine.
  • Your conception date could be off, so he really isn't 37 weeks.
    Also, babys grows at different rates.
    He might just be growing and maturing at a different rate or your conceived later then you think you did.
  • Thanks...i had choleostasis w my first and they induced bc she was sick. Im just worried and want him out so i know he is ok
  • try not to worry, I know it's hard, and when I goggled it I really got worried!! I have never had it befor with my previous 3.. I was my doctor's 2nd case with it!! My baby was a healthy 8.1 when he was born and with no problems!! Just have faith!! ((hugs))
  • I had cholestasis and was absolutely miserable! They induced me at 37 weeks and 1 day and they would not let me go any further bc of the chance for a still born. I found out I had it at 30 weeks and went to the doctors twice a week for lots of testing from then on. I had Jaksyn via planned csection and he weighed 8.5 and is perfectly healthy. Im sure everything will work out but I know the waiting sucks!
  • @Starlilly daughter was my doctors first case. Its just scary especially when you read about it
  • @My2Boys thats what scares me is the chance of that. They said he is weighing around 6 lbs
  • Sometimes it takes that extra week or so for babies to fully develop
  • it's very scary!! Just be postive about it and if you ever need to takk to someone you can message me!! :)
  • @Starlilly thank you! Ive been trying to not stress out too much about it
  • I'm sure you are very scared and worried and usually 37 is full term but my sister in law is a doc and said that the lungs are the last thing to mature so don't worry too much and just like everyone else said they could have your due date wrong mine was changed 3 times while I was pregnant with my lo and I was scared she might have problems because I was high risk bc I have epilepcy but she came out prefect so try your best not to worry and enjoy the last little bit u have because as soon as that cutie is here u won't be getting much rest :) but it's worth every minute.
  • Just give it a little more time, I'm sure everything will be fine :-)
  • Has anyone had contractions that just feel like really bad cramps?
  • @mollysmama your welcome and the contractions are very normal with the cramping I had them I think everyone does especially now that your towards the end :)
  • 37-42 weeks CAN be full term. That isn't saying that ALL babies are full term at 37 weeks. My youngest was born at 36 weeks but was only the size and maturity of a 35 weeker. My oldest was born at 40 weeks and measured the size and maturity of a 43 weaker. Basically, it's all dependent on when you actually got pregnant. If your due date was measured by your last period, you could have ovulated a week later than usual. If your due date was calculated by ultrasound and not by your last period, your baby could have been larger than normal back then. Baby is most likely fine. I hope you get to see him soon.
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