any one ever use soy to help get pregnant?

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
If so how was your experience?
Back ground:
I took soy CD 2-6 starting at 120 mg up to 200mg. That's all I did this cycle. No temping/charting or using opks(ran out and with the holidays I got caught up and never ordered any) so I have no clue when I ovulated. I'm on CD 28 with a normal cycle between 27-29 days. I also check my cervix and normally by now I have some lightttt pink cm after checking but nothing yet this cycle.


  • I heard soy makes you infertile...
  • For people who take it and eat/ drink it daily its possible but it takes a lot! There are some research about how its the natural clomid if taken properly.
  • And soy does that to ma, idk anything about it but bump
  • No soy while ttc
  • My husband swears that him taking vitamin c is what got us pregnant... Cuz that was the only difference. In 6 yrs we never used bc or pulled out and we have 3 kids, ages 5, 3 & 4 wks.
  • idk if it helps while ttc but i read something when i was first pregnant about affects on males and boys. large amounts of soy can cause men to develop breasts and stuff and when ur pregnant it can do something similar if its a boy. that freaked me out because i love eating soy beans and use soy in my cooking so i was limiting my soy until i knew i was having a girl lol
  • I believe hormones have a lot to do with it
  • Try to get your man to eat figs, i read yesterday that they help him produce more sperm and make then more mobile, i've never heard of using soyvso i'm no help there, sorry
  • Take mucinex. It thins the mucus in your cervix to help sperm swim easier.
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