any one ever use soy to help get pregnant?
If so how was your experience?
Back ground:
I took soy CD 2-6 starting at 120 mg up to 200mg. That's all I did this cycle. No temping/charting or using opks(ran out and with the holidays I got caught up and never ordered any) so I have no clue when I ovulated. I'm on CD 28 with a normal cycle between 27-29 days. I also check my cervix and normally by now I have some lightttt pink cm after checking but nothing yet this cycle.
Back ground:
I took soy CD 2-6 starting at 120 mg up to 200mg. That's all I did this cycle. No temping/charting or using opks(ran out and with the holidays I got caught up and never ordered any) so I have no clue when I ovulated. I'm on CD 28 with a normal cycle between 27-29 days. I also check my cervix and normally by now I have some lightttt pink cm after checking but nothing yet this cycle.