
edited December 2011 in Just for Fun
Victoria Alcala-Hogue
Wow. So u added one of my buddies from the pregnancy forum I was on. Checked out her pg and deleted her... seems like she's a bit old to be acting like she's in junior high. Whatevee (:but I must saay I love these ladies (: — with Kristen Barker King and 34 others.
Like · · Reshare · December 20 at 12:31am near Meridian, ID ·

4 people like this.
Victoria Alcala-Hogue ‎*I added(:
December 20 at 12:31am · Like
Vinessa Socia What happened?
December 20 at 12:33am · Like
Victoria Alcala-Hogue Ill pm u
December 20 at 12:33am · Like
Jenn Nifer Whats wrong hun?
December 20 at 12:33am · Like
Vinessa Socia Alright.
December 20 at 12:33am · Like
Victoria Alcala-Hogue Ahhhh nothing the drama from some people amazes me lol im reffering to the mess that happened earlier
December 20 at 12:34am · Like · 1
Vinessa Socia Are they one of my friends? :/
December 20 at 12:38am · Like
Vinessa Socia And....Love ya too.
December 20 at 12:38am · Like
Victoria Alcala-Hogue Idk... I doubt it I msged you about it to avoid drama all ovr my pg
December 20 at 12:39am · Like
Stacey Mommytokimmy Wow, start blocking people girl
December 20 at 12:39am · Like
Victoria Alcala-Hogue I know right?! Its just sad how some ADULTS feel the need to push people down for no reason.. Gah what is wrong with people nowadays
December 20 at 12:41am · Like
Stacey Mommytokimmy Yea its crazy girl!
December 20 at 12:42am · Like
Victoria Alcala-Hogue Gah well good news is its my loss first night in her room and I can't sleep lol
December 20 at 12:43am · Like
Vinessa Socia I think you made the right choice in eliminating the drama. I did the same thing recently.
December 20 at 12:45am · Like
Momoftwotobe Stormy Auer what happened pm me
December 20 at 12:46am · Like
'Shannon Cornell Frame It wouldn't have happened if I had not posted the pic she made :( I feel bad about it.
December 20 at 12:46am · Like
Vinessa Socia What's wrong with the pic? I'm lost. I thought it was a good way to look at the lighter side of having a boo boo.
December 20 at 12:48am · Like · 2
Victoria Alcala-Hogue Hunny. You my dear don't have SHIT to feel bad about. Things happen. And like I was telling you mersa doesn't come from being dirty or gross.. if u touch a cart at Walmart and scratch ur arm boom you can get it...SHE HOWEVER HAD NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER SAYING WHAT SHE SAID. You are a wonderful person Shannon don't u ever forget that
December 20 at 12:49am · Like · 1
Vinessa Socia Omg. I thought she made it for you to smile about, not to hurt you. That is awful. I am so sorry 'Shannon Cornell Frame.
December 20 at 12:51am · Like
Victoria Alcala-Hogue I thought the same thing Vinessa Socia then I just happened to see her pg and I wanted to say sooooooo much to her but karmas a bitch(:
December 20 at 12:53am · Like
Vinessa Socia The number one place to get MRSA is hospitals. I am a very clean person (not saying you aren't), and me and my oldest daughter had it after coming home from my stay in the hospital when I found out I had kidney disease. She got it from when she visited me there.
December 20 at 12:53am · Like · 1
Victoria Alcala-Hogue My hubby got it on his tum tum my mom got it on her rib under her knocker my brother got it on his bum and in his knuckle. Its def all over the place now. I saw recently its on meats and containers that people handle I.e milk cartons and what not its crazy how sicknesses and infections are making such an impact
December 20 at 12:56am · Like
Vinessa Socia I just read about her being hateful in the NICU. How sad she had to stoop so low. :(
December 20 at 12:56am · Like
Victoria Alcala-Hogue Right? Gah k let's not feed into this mess..(: you ladies totally excited for xmas?!
December 20 at 12:59am · Like
Vinessa Socia I a.fjd
December 20 at 1:01am · Like
Vinessa Socia Sorry, phone is a ninja. Anyways, yes. I am soooooo excited! What'd you get for baby?
December 20 at 1:01am · Like
Victoria Alcala-Hogue Uhhhhuuuhhhhhh...not drunk vinessa ssssuuiireeee
December 20 at 1:02am · Like
Victoria Alcala-Hogue Hahahah
December 20 at 1:02am · Like
Vinessa Socia I swear I'm not. Lmao. My phone just hates me tonight. It fell on my face twice in 4 hours.
December 20 at 1:02am · Like
'Shannon Cornell Frame ‎Vinessa Socia apparently Robin has had a vendetta against me for some time now and has been waiting for a change to get "revenge" she didn't like a comment I made and has had it out for me since. I posted the picture on the Pregly forum simply to make people aware of how simple it is to get an infection like I did. Someone sent robin the picture and she in turn added the text to it. Every little comment I had made over the last couple days was sent to her and twisted around. According to her, the infection was caused by me jabbing a pair of rusty scissors into my leg and scratching at it with feces on my hands. But yes I did find the picture Robin made to be very humorous on many different levels.
December 20 at 1:03am · Like · 1
Victoria Alcala-Hogue Well my momma helped out a lot but we got her a lot if stuff she needed like the next size up nipples for bottles and binkies teethers. I call em chew toys lol(: clothes this really cool dog that teaches a bunch of stuff. A thing that spits the balls out and what ever ever one else got her im super excited!
December 20 at 1:04am · Like
Victoria Alcala-Hogue Ahhh 'Shannon Cornell Frame sweetheart don't allow her to have power over u. Like I said junior high drama! She apparently has no life. Which means she has nothing better to do then to be a butthead and hurt other people
December 20 at 1:07am · Like
'Shannon Cornell Frame Sorry Victoria Alcala-Hogue I didn't see where you said to drop it until after I posted that. I type slow on my phone. I am not excited about Christmas this year.
December 20 at 1:08am · Like
Victoria Alcala-Hogue ‎'Shannon Cornell Frame ha my phone auto puts sweetheart after ur name (: and why not?! Don't let ur boo boo slow u down!
December 20 at 1:10am · Like
Vinessa Socia ‎'Shannon Cornell Frame, you keep your head up. After all, atleast your heart isn't infected with hate. Her mommy didn't hug her enough. Victoria Alcala-Hogue, I bought my Corri a walker, noisy toys, a Bumbo baby seat, etc. I am sure she wont use the walker any time soon. Lol. She's tinier than normal.
December 20 at 1:12am · Like
'Shannon Cornell Frame Well I'm not very excited because I havent much money and because I'm not celebrating Christmas in my own home this year. Actually I did get some very most excellent news tonight!!!!
December 20 at 1:15am · Like
Vinessa Socia SHARE!
December 20 at 1:16am · Like
Melyssa Tate ♥ ♥ ♥
December 20 at 1:17am · Like · 2
Vinessa Socia Melyssa!
December 20 at 1:18am · Like · 1


  • Victoria Alcala-Hogue Wooooo what I wanna know! 'Shannon Cornell Framesweetheart bwahahhaa my phone did it again left it for u(: Vinessa Socia Awh that's cool! Kylie is already tryin to stand up :( 'Shannon Cornell Framesweetheart you dont have to celebrate it in ur home to be excited! Ull have ur family(:
    December 20 at 1:19am · Like
    Cynthia Gregory Ahh she's definitely getting deleted from my page as soon as I can get to a computed it was not cool what she did she's so heartless
    December 20 at 1:19am · Like · 3
    Victoria Alcala-Hogue Melyssa is one of my favorites (: bahaha (: jk I appriate you all equally
    December 20 at 1:20am · Like
    Melyssa Tate Im stuck! William is spooning me and Billy is sleeping on my other side. Its a family sandwhich
    December 20 at 1:20am · Like · 1
    Victoria Alcala-Hogue ‎Melyssa Tate I just found out Idaho has an aquarium and we are going Tmmr kylie is in her room fir the first time hubby is snoring tooooo loud and im wired! Lol
    December 20 at 1:22am · Like · 2
    'Shannon Cornell Frame Well, I have been living at my parents house in one room with Anthony and my three kids. We have been struggling like crazy to get our own place but can't get up enough money for a deposit and first months rent. Tonight, Anthony found out that after he pays for his classes coming up in two weeks he will have over 2000 dollars left over on his student loan card. We are going to use that money to get a place, cut on the electricity and buy furniture. Finally, I have finally caught a break and I'm super excited.
    December 20 at 1:23am · Like
    Victoria Alcala-Hogue ‎'Shannon Cornell Frame wwwwoooooooooooo! Omg im so excited for you! Yay!
    December 20 at 1:25am · Like · 1
    Melyssa Tate Will is snoring too!

    Yay aquarium fun!!!
    December 20 at 1:26am · Like
    Vinessa Socia Yay! Happy for you. I imagine having your own space will make Christmas a joyous one!
    December 20 at 1:27am · Like · 1
    Hailee Drury ‎:-)
    December 20 at 1:29am · Like
    'Shannon Cornell Frame Thank you!! I know my parents will be glad to be rid of all of us. Lol
    December 20 at 1:29am · Like
    'Shannon Cornell Frame ‎Vinessa Socia I have been on my own for so long that being back at my moms is not cool!! I'm looking foward to the day I can walk from the bathroom to the bedroom naked Haha
    December 20 at 1:31am · Like · 2
    'Shannon Cornell Frame Not meaning to bring it back up but why do people thrive on trying to make other peoples lives miserable and feel good about themselves when they maliciously hurt another person? What causes a person be like that?
    December 20 at 1:37am · Like
    Vinessa Socia Depression.
    December 20 at 1:51am · Like · 2
    Kylee Tate Whats going on lol?
    December 20 at 2:55am · Like · 1
    Kara Potts I haven't added/deleted anyone so im confused lol
    December 20 at 3:25am · Like · 2
    Amy Brooks I love you to!!!!!
    December 20 at 4:21am · Like
    Tina Twinkle Williams Good morning....
    December 20 at 4:28am · Like
    Tina Twinkle Williams I must have missed something.... "Dang!
    December 20 at 4:33am · Like · 1
    Amanda Marie Foresee I'm confused too! Funny I just added a lot if preglies this morning to my personal fb like minutes ago. But yeah last night was a lot.
    December 20 at 5:24am · Like · 1
    CreationsBy Eli Why was I tagged? I'm lost lol
    December 20 at 7:56am · Like · 2
    Caitlin Remmenga ‎:( too much drama last night.
    December 20 at 8:16am · Like · 3
    Victoria Alcala-Hogue I was just telling you ladies that I♥ you(: and im glad u guys are my friends!
    December 20 at 10:12am · Like · 3
    Kara Potts Ohh well I ♥ you too!
    December 20 at 10:14am · Like
    Victoria Alcala-Hogue ‎(: lol
    December 20 at 10:15am · Like
    CreationsBy Eli Oh ily 2
    December 20 at 10:31am · Like
    Kristen Barker King Aww :) we love u too!
    December 20 at 10:32am · Like
    Mellissa Boyle Bratcher Heck yeah it was Caitlin. I finally bit my tongue and didn't feed into it, apparently she knew what would happen and it got her 150 comments-- good for her...whatever makes her feel fulfulled and happy! She added me to check me out too i guess, now im getting weird friend requests...i didn't even say what i was really thinking! Anyway logged in on a real computer, reported and blocked, doubt that will do anything. I forgot she added me after my very kinda, trying to be helpful comment a while back...Maybe i am next. I don't know I dont do "ghetto" unless its to defend my own family haha. I was raised in the ghetto so I can say that lol.
    December 20 at 10:33am · Like
    MrzAngelique Gooden just saw this.... HI=) ♥
    December 20 at 10:34am · Like · 2
    Mellissa Boyle Bratcher ‎'Shannon Cornell Frame you are amazing and kick ass for putting that as your profile pic! I hope you are feeling better today despite the BS. Those things can be serious. I know that one girl that almost lost her leg, my boss' daughter....so i worry. :D
    December 20 at 10:35am · Like · 1
    Marline JakesMommy Salas Wow unbelievable...we love you too (:
    December 20 at 11:05am · Like
    Kasi GotThezegurlsluvinme Flenory I Love ♥ you too!!!!
    December 20 at 11:07am · Like
  • wtf is the point of posting this shit
  • Wow get a life...
  • Ya, whats ur point? I saw some.of this before....ur sad, wtf....i have opinions, but man, just stop
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @jazzi89
    I felt like it! :-D
    see @murphy89 a lot of people don't like you. Even those who pretend they do. :O
  • Idk what the point was either lol
  • edited December 2011
    Here we go with stalking peoples lives again. 8-|
  • Lol @ loves...couldn't help it!!! :-D
  • hmm im pretty sure i dont pretend to like anyone, either i like u or i dont
This discussion has been closed.