Does the nausea end after first tri?

edited December 2011 in First Trimester
I am currently 9 weeks 3 days pregnant and I get sick almost after everything I eat. Have a hard time holding things down. Ive tried ginger ale and it doesnt work. I will be calling my obgyn today been going on since fri like this.


  • Mine lasted all the way til the morning i went into labor! Nothing ever worked to make it better!! Zofran on a good day. My first trimester i was sick all day every day. Then it just became each morning id vommitt. Good luck!
  • I got sick thru my entire pregnancy. If you want some ideas to help that are non drugs, let me know. Best of luck. I hope it ends for you!!
  • I was throwing up every single day until about 18 to 19 weeks. It sucked

    Hopefully yours goes away soon!
  • I was like @LittleFae, throwing up every morning thru about 26 weeks, then it subsided until about 32 weeks. It came back not as strong, but I did throw up about once a week. No fun.
  • I was sick until a little thru my second tri. Finally got zofran. It was a lifesaver. But every now and then thru my pregnancy, I'd still throw up.
  • With my son I was sick till about 22 weeks try preggie pops or sea bands
  • I'm 24 weeks and I still get nauseous once in a while. I would speak to your doctor about Zofran, if that doesn't might have to get something as strong as phenigan(sp?). Bitter tea helps, eating in the morning, right when you wake up helps. There wasn't anything that took mine way besides pills...but those two helped. Btw, what you have is called Hyperemsis.
  • I was sick for about a month. It was all day sickness. Seabands helped take the edge off and got me through my work day.
  • edited December 2011
    Oh yeah, I just remmber orange gum helped me... Strange, I know. You will have to try different things and see what works for you.
    I heard sour patch kids work for some people.
  • Mine didn't stop until almost 8 months :/ it was bad too but as time went on it wasn't as bad...nothing would work for me only these dissolvable pills but I only got 10 a month
  • Yes sour worked for me, I found sour apple blow pops the big ones worked for me when I would get nausea.
  • I was only sick about 5 times through my whole pregnancy.and my best friend was sick the whole time through hers it just depends on the person, but I hope yours ends soon and u feel better. But the bright side is its all worth it in the end :)
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