Cute kid has a point!

edited December 2011 in Just for Fun
Ok sooooo let's see. How do u guys feel? Is it all things girly for ur girls and all things manly for ur boys? I have 2 and 2 and they play with each others things and I am Oooookkkkkk with that! How about u?


  • I put my son in a pink bouncer& im okay with that...he wont know the difference
  • Good answer lol I did too, my neighbor gave it to me so I coukd pht my lo down after we got home from the hospital lol
  • The only thing is people say "she is so cute" when he is in it and it's obvious he is a boy. I just politely correct them& keep it moving. It's not like he will be traumatized because of a pink bouncer.
  • i have one boy and one girl who are almsot 2 years apart. they play with eachothers toys and i am totally fine with it. my daughter is even playing flag football like my son now lol.

    my cousins ex would freak out with their son would play with her barbies. smh i guess it bothers some people more then others.
  • Haha for sure no way. With my okdest, I actually bought a blue patterned stroller and carseat cuz I was on a budget and alone and it was neccessity over style. Annnnnd they all thought she was a boy, despite tje pjnk blankets and stuff. But my girls play in the dirt with dump trucks and shovels, and my son plays with baby dolls and plays daddy and I find that acceptable.
  • Ya it seems to bother some more than others. For me, it's cool if my son plays tea party with his sisters, afterall a tea party isn't complete without more than one person haha and also, I love seeing people intentionally buying their sons a play kitchen. It says a lot!
  • edited December 2011
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  • @gatorbob haha gordon was the main one I was thinkin of when I thought about a kitchen lol and yup! I agree lol
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