Testing after recurrent m/c

edited December 2011 in Loss
All of our genetic/karyotype/my bloodwork has all come back completely normal. Has this happened to anyone else and you have gone on to have a healthy pregnancy?


  • Aw thank you Mama, that was so nice of you! I'm new so I wasn't sure if people would answer.
  • I have had 3 mc and dr is talking about doing genetic testing. What is karyotype? I think there is still hope my aunt had 3 mc then she had 4 kids! Sometimes it takes people more tries :/ I am still hopeful! I know I'm suppose to be a momma.
  • I'm so sorry for your losses!! I've also had three. I know I can HAVE children as I already have 2. The karyotype tests your genes/chromosomes I believe. They also tested my thyroid, checked for clotting disorders, etc. All normal.
  • No problem, welcome to pregly:)
  • Thank you :) looking forward to getting to know everyone
  • Are you currently ttc? I have a small abnormal gene for clotting but they told me its not very severe.. I am going to talk to my dr about karyotpye and genetic testing. :/ How old are you? Sorry so many questions lol I just am curious.. I haven't really talked to anyone who has had recurrent mc.
  • 25 years old and yourself? We aren't currently ttc, but I want to. He isn't ready. You can ask me anything you want, I'm also excited to talk to someone about it, none of my friends or family understand what we are going through.
  • @CJohnson11 I've had two MC this year. I had all the same labs as you. Everything was normal, and like you, already have a child so I know I'm able. I'm not quite ready to ttc yet since my D&C was just in October, but I'm hoping I'll be able to have a successful pregnancy once I'm ready. Keep me updated on you. We have a bit in common. :)
  • I had a MC in march and everything was normal. I have had 4 kids prior to this MC so it didn't make any since how I could have 4 normal pregnancies and then a MC. I had all my tests come back fine. After a couple months of not trying I eyed up finding out I was pregnant again and now this one is normal so far although I feel so much bigger this time around. I have no clue why I had a MC the last time!!! Some times God just needs our little angels more then we do. I know its hard to hear BC people say it all the time and sometimes its like hearing it to the point of saying shut the heck up. Its been hard for me to cope with loosing my little angel. I've come to realize that my baby wasn't meant to be with us at the time. I've figure out the reasoning of why but that remains something ill hold onto and never tell.. My baby I'm pregnant with now is a miracle in my eyes. Everything happens for a reason. I've come to realize this.. its taken me a lot of time like I said. Your time will come believe me. If its meant to be its meant to be!!! Just hang in there hun and keep your head up!!! IV always been told God won't give you any more then you can handle and that's the truth! I'm not a big huge religious person so I'm not trying to preach on anyone or force God on you at all. I'm just going by on my first hand experience. Good luck to you all ladies!
  • I had a MC in march and everything was normal. I have had 4 kids prior to this MC so it didn't make any since how I could have 4 normal pregnancies and then a MC. I had all my tests come back fine. After a couple months of not trying I eyed up finding out I was pregnant again and now this one is normal so far although I feel so much bigger this time around. I have no clue why I had a MC the last time!!! Some times God just needs our little angels more then we do. I know its hard to hear BC people say it all the time and sometimes its like hearing it to the point of saying shut the heck up. Its been hard for me to cope with loosing my little angel. I've come to realize that my baby wasn't meant to be with us at the time. I've figure out the reasoning of why but that remains something ill hold onto and never tell.. My baby I'm pregnant with now is a miracle in my eyes. Everything happens for a reason. I've come to realize this.. its taken me a lot of time like I said. Your time will come believe me. If its meant to be its meant to be!!! Just hang in there hun and keep your head up!!! IV always been told God won't give you any more then you can handle and that's the truth! I'm not a big huge religious person so I'm not trying to preach on anyone or force God on you at all. I'm just going by on my first hand experience. Good luck to you all ladies!
  • Sorry for the three posts ladies!
  • Wow, thank you so much for your story. I keep holding onto the hope that our baby will come when they are ready!
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