
edited December 2011 in Sleep
My lo for the past three nights has been up and awake after her second feeding at 5am and won't go back to sleep until like 7:30-8 & then she seems to sleep all day. Anyone have advice on what to do to get her back to sleep? Anyone else going through this?


  • A baby's sleep patterns will change every once in a while. My baby girl was doing great sleeping through the night, but she's been getting up again around 3am for the past two weeks. I would keep everything as dark and quiet as possible during the time you want her to sleep. During the day make noise and keep her stimulated during the times she needs to be awake. How old is she? Babies sleep a alot at first and many don't have a schedule. But their sleeping needs and patterns will change just when you think you've got it figured out. Lol... just another part of motherhood.
  • She's still so little! Like I said, I would just keep things as dark and quiet as possible when you want her to sleep. But it will change a lot, for example during a growth sput, if they don't feel good or teething. Eventually she will be on a more regular sleep schedule. Just hang in there!
  • Yea its def dark and quiet besides my fiance snoring lol. I hope its sooner rather than later lol but I have learned to run on little hours of sleep, so I will be good for a while, it would just be nice to actually sleep a few more hours lol
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