So Fustrated!

edited December 2011 in Third Trimester
I am 39 weeks & 2 days pregnant and 1cm dialated. I'm due Jan.2 but I feel like I may go a week overdo! My doctor said I will be induced if I go over 40 weeks. I need this little boy to come soon. I have been walking & idk what else I can do. I have read about castor oil and spicy food but I really just want him to come on his own. I'm so over being pregnant!


  • I know the feeling, I was in labor for 3 weeks before my water finally broke. Sometimes, all you can do is wait it out! Look on the bright side - you can't be pregnant for longer than 2 weeks, so it will be so soon. Plus, the anticipation makes it that much more exciting!!
  • @LilSugarsMomma wow 3 weeks?! And you're right! I'm very anxious & my doctor said it was common by me being a ftm. I guess letting him bake is best but I hope he comes before or on his due date.
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