switching formula

edited December 2011 in Formula Feeding
I'm thinking about switching her from enfamil AR to smilac for spit up and seeing if it makes a difference. She starts having a hard time popping for a few days its like hard balls then she is fine for a few days, and she is starting to spit up a little more then she has been (no its not acid reflex).

Now on to my question, how exactly should I go about switching? Do I do it all at once do I start with like one bottle a day with similac then increase it till all her bottle are it? Ah any advice is welcome!


  • edited December 2011
    I've heard you start off by mixing it half n half. Good luck:)
  • Aren't they the same? They both have cereal in them? I dunno much about formula.
  • They are the same but different brands. Someone suggested trying to switch and see if it helps. Smelling like baby vomit all the time isn't very flattering lol
  • Ohs. Yeah that's icky. Lol. My sister used the Similac for Spit Up, the cereal always clogged the nipple and her baby puked a bunch. I dunno if she tried AR though. I'm sorry I'm no help. Lol. As for switching, I like the half-and-half idea. Sounds logical.
  • Have you tried switching bottles for the vomit aspect of it?
  • @bonita85 yup we tried that. Her doctor said its just something she'll out grow.
  • Start with half and half but more similac for two days, then do exactly half and half for two days, then do more enfamil than similac for two days then give her the enfamil. They say its not too good to switch between brands but It's fine to switch with one brand.. like similac to enfamil wouldn't be as good to switch from similac advance to similac sensitive. Do you get what I'm trying to say I know I don't make sense much lol
  • I tried switching my lo from enfamil to.similac with the half and half method and he hated it. He screamed for 3 days straight until he got the similac out of his system
  • Hi there!

    My son had very bad GERD and was literally like the exorcist when it came to spitting up, he was so bad that you would have to change your clothes or use a towel as a burp rag haha. He was placed on meds and they seemed to help a little bit. He eventually got better, although the reflux still hangs around, but at about 7 months is when the spitting up died down. We tried everything as well, and the AR Lipil made him horribly constipated. We had to dilute them with prune juice as per his doctor, and we also made every bottle with chamomile tea as it helped to calm his tummy.

    One thing that seemed to help us is burping every 2 ounces. It made it so that he didn't have as much to burp up. It wasn't drastic, but it helped and any help when they're that bad is much needed lol. We, too, tried the Similac and it was no better than the AR. My suggestion is to just keep him on the AR instead of irritating his little tummy more. Of course, that's merely my suggestion and I make no judgement on what decision you feel is best for your little lovey. :D
  • She doesn't spit up a lot when she does it, just spits up a lot throughout he day and very often.

    I got one thing of the similac to see how it works for her, but still unsure if I wanna switch her. She has 2oz of juice mixed with 2oz of water about every 2 days but I think I'm gonna do it everyday
  • @lilsugarsmomma how much chamomil tea would you put in each bottle I just do it at night for my son but I've been thinking of doing it more offten because it seems to help him
  • I think it was one ounce for every 3 ounces of formula...it's been nearly 6 years so I honestly don't remember 100%, I'm so sorry! :(
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