who is due in june?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Im due June the 28th! Little girl. What are all having? What has you're pregnancies been like so far?


  • We are dune June 18th! Mine was miserable with food aversions and smells in the first trimester..along with a little heartburn. Today we are 24 weeks and the heartburn has come back full swing just recently! Milk helps.. we weren't going to find out the sex..but a student did the ultrasound and starting calling the baby 'he' after they did all the measurements. S
  • Student spoiled it for you then.. Really? That's my birthday! Haha. I had really bas heartburn at 14weeks. Was so bad it had me really ill and in alot of pain! Fingers crossed hasn't come back and won't. Im still suffering with smells especially peoples breath.
  • I'm due June 9th with a boy. My first trimester was so bad. I couldn't even do laundry from the smell of the detergent. After that its been smooth sailing.
  • im due june 8 with my 2nd boy. My 1st son is 5 years old. OMG i suffering with smells also and people breath makes me gag.
  • Yes..the student ruined it! I was upset..not because it was a boy..but we had just told them we didn't want to know! So we have an appointment withal maternal fetal medicine specialist on the 3rd and are going to confirm it is a boy! My husband is 6 foot 4...so this little man's already ahead of schedule! At 20 weeks he was supposed to weigh 10th ounces..Mr. over achieve was 14 ounces by then..lol
  • People and their breath are hard for me too. I'm in the Army and work around guys who don't realize their breath smells like a foot that has been in someone's butt..ugh!!
  • Breath is something Im finding hard to cope with. Can't even face my partner in bed as his breath makes me gag even after he has brushed his teeth!! My scan i was told my little girl has longer legs the average. But me and my partner are shortish. Im 5ft6 and he is 5ft11.
  • I'm 25. I'm in my 25th week. I'm due June 11 with a little girl. My first trimester was bad ,but it's so much better. My husband and I are so excited. I already love her already. What name have you picked out?
  • Me and my bf have decided to call her lily-mae. That is if names suits her when she arrives! I has terrible morning sickness in first trimester. Now just grumpy and feel heavy all the time now. But i love her unconditionaly, so will be worth it. Have you choose any names?
  • My husband actually picked out the name Alayna. I'm grumpy too and I have bad days. I like the name lily. It's very pretty.
  • Alayna is a nice name. Plus not very common either.
  • I am due June 28. We are having a boy and this is my first. 1st trimester was smell aversions, especially breath! No morning sickness. Now in 23rd week and heartburn and light swelling. Congratulations everyone!!
  • Same day as me then! I still have morning sickness on.odd occasions.. No heartburn. Fingers crossed..
  • I'm due June 22nd! With my second . It's a girl! My 1st is three years old and a boy!
    Lol its been going really good so far! I mean I had morning sickness and heart burn. The main thing is Just getting inpatient! :) congrats ladies
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