July Mamas- Lets hear your labor stories!

edited December 2011 in Giving birth
I had my son, Zephyr, on July 26th of this year.

I had to be induced and they started the pictocin at 9:00 am. I was 2cm dialated and the broke my water and went to sleep. Around noon I woke up because I wasn't able to sleep through the contractions and felt like I had to use the bathroom. My nurse insisted I didn't need to use the bathroom and checked me. I was already at a 10. She decided it was time to start the practice pushes but my body was in panic because I had no epidural and I was terrified about how bad it was going to hurt. After sucking it up and giving it my all my baby boy was born!

Zephyr Hudsyn Carsten
1:00 pm
8lbs 7ozs
21.5 in

Yes, only four hours after starting pictocin he arrived.


  • Mine is looooooooonnnnnggggg lol. I'll just tag my old account on here and if anyones interested in reading it, you can click my old screen name, go to discussions, and it's titled Bentley's birth story! :)

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