late! what's your stories?

edited December 2011 in Third Trimester
Just thought listening to some stories may make me feel better. anyone willing to share your late stories?

I was due on the 26th but still no sign of little man. I'm now 40+4 and really wanting him to make his appearance. Got a sweep booked for Monday so fingers crossed its this weekend. If that doesn't work its an induction for the 8th Jan.

how late were you all and what triggered your labour?


  • My first was 7 days late. Second was 5 days late and third came on her due date. Couldnt tell ya what put me in labor. Lol. Hang in there. Its soooo hard to go over ur due date. Rest rest rest. Baby will come.
  • Good luck to you!
  • I was having regular contractions from my due date, but they weren't doing anything to progress me.(although I think it was triggered by a sweep) So five days later they induced me, the day after that, I had my baby. While I don't think I'd get induced that early ever again, I can't really complain since my daughter is here & healthy. Best of luck to you, hang in there!
  • I am due tomorrow but my doctor already planned induction for next Wednesday if she doesn't come by then bc I'm not dilated at all and my uterus is still in the posterior position. He could have waited until Dec. 9th but I didn't want to chance going into labor when he was off call the 7th and 8th. Good luck on your induction and hopefully your lo comes before its necessary.
  • Good to know a fair few other are or have been late. Just been for a long walk am hoping it will help it some way along with all the other natural induction methods I've tried. sex, pineapple, walking, spicy foods, nipple stimulation as of yet... nothing. hoping he's ready to meet the world soon :)
  • Nothing worked for me lol I was 10 days late. My water broke on its own on induction day at 130 am; due at hospital 630 am. I walked and walked and walked, ate spicy food (which, apparently pregnancy makes it taste bland to me- I hate spice and probably could've eaten a jalepeno with no problem)...not even an earthquake, full moon, or hurricane could get him out lol
  • with my daughter i was one week over due and i did nothing just son came a few days before my duedate but this time around i gave birth 5 days after my due date. they were already talking about induction because i was past my due date and still at a 1 1/2 dilated and 50% effaced...i been there for weeks. i really did not wanna be induced on jan 2nd so my sis told me to buy red rasberry leaf tea, she says it worked for her. i started drinking the tea and nothing...the next day i was on a mission. i drank the tea in the morning. in the afternoon i did some walking at the park went and got some really hot spicy wings for dinner and made labor cake for dessert and had sex before i went to bed. LOL the next morning i woke up and had my bloody show. i thought nothing worked because i wasn't getting contractions all day. so i went walking again ate dinner and during dinner my stomach started cramping and there it was..contractions and had my baby after midnight. so idk if it was just coincidence or something triggered it but thats my story
  • Wow so had to try all at once to get your labour going? least it worked though eh? had my sweep yesterday and now getting pains. hoping this is it... ;) will update soon.
  • I was 5 days late, not sure what put me into labor. Had pineapple a few days before, my nephew punched me in the belly a few hours before contractions became regular. I had been having contractions ans bloody show that whole week though.
  • yes! i wanted baby out. i don't know she couldv'e been on her way even if i didn't any of those things but they were all natural ways and the food was yummy anyway lol

    hopefully that sweep works! keep us updated :D
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