how and when to wean baby from swaddling?

edited December 2011 in Ages & Stages
I don't know when or how to start. she's 3 months old and I put her in a wombie wrap every night but its getting small so if I can wean her from it instead of buying a bigger one that would be great cuz they're like 30 dollars. any ideas?


  • Have you tried Just letting her sleep without it or does she have to have It?
  • I'm having the same problem with my daughter. So far I have her swaddled with one arm out and she sleeps fine but as soon as I take the other arm out she starts waking up several times a night.
  • I tried last night because she got her hand out so I left it out and unzipped it a little but she started fussing after about 10 minutes. I finally went and put her arm back in and zipped her up and she fell back asleep lol
  • I figured this might be a good time to start since she sleeps through the night and has been moved to her own bed for the past few weeks
  • I'm having the same prob and my daughter is 4 mmnths old....I have resorted to a tightly wrapped baby, because I don't know if you have looked or not but finding wrap
  • Wraps** in a bigger size is really difficult lol....I wish I could just lay her down, but she will not have any part of not being swaddled lol..let me know if you find something that works lol
  • In day cares we can no longer swaddle after 16w if that helps.
  • Gosh I suck lol...tightly wrapped blankets lol*****
  • Bump seeing if anyone else has some advice
  • I'm not sure how to wean, my doc told me to stop swaddling at 1 month.
  • @heyitsme how did you transition her to her crib? My lo just turned 3 months and we're doing it next week and i'm freaking out lol
    Does she nap while swaddled? Try swaddling her with a blanket and once she's completly out, lay her down but dont tuck the blanket under her so she can slowling get her arms out if wanted
  • We are going cold turkey without the swaddle tonight and im super nervous. But Lila really has been fighting her swaddle blanket lately. Wish us luck! Btw she is fifteen weeks.
  • @Kimberly4411 I take her to bed with me and nurse her in bed. after she is asleep and done nursing I slowly pick her up and transfer to her bed (which is right beside my bed) if she started fussing a bit I put my hand on her and calm her saying shhh. it took her a few nights to adjust, she woke during the night again but now she sleeps through
  • Good luck @RayRay didn't work for us but hope it works for you!
  • Oh and no she doesn't nap swaddled
  • @heyitsme it was a huge failure!
  • The only way that my baby would sleep was swaddled. At about 12 weeks or so, we stopped swaddling her, and just got her a swaddle blanket, they are large, and you can get them at target for cheap. We then just tightly wrapped that around her, and she didn't have any issues. She still has it tightly wrapped around to this day, and it works great.
  • @rayray awww thats too bad :( keep me posted if you find a way that works!
    I think I might get one of those swaddle blankets @EiralynnesMommy it will probably be cheaper than the wombie thing. (for those that dont know what it is, its like a zip up sleeper with no arms)
  • Could you use a zip up sleeper and just not put the arms through? They're only like $7
  • My son loved being swaddled and had the same reflex to wake himself up without it. At 3.5 months we transitioned him in his crib w/o the swaddler and taught him to fall asleep on his own. He learned very fast to soothe himself to sleep and sleeps great. Hope this helps u.
  • Thanks @mybabyuno she is 4 months now and still needs to be wrapped but lucky I found a bigger swaddler for sale on the local facebook moms group :)
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