What about your friends?

edited February 2011 in Teen moms
Im 4 months pregnant and everything is going great aside the fact that my friends are so distant....and it really sucks! Anyone else going threw this? Do telll!


  • I was young when I had my first and the only one of my friends with a baby on the way and afterwards a baby. But I found new friends with kids but still kept in touch with them but they were only going out and partying.. its hard but theyll come around especially once they start their family
  • I went through it with my first, and aside from that the only friend who stuck around was a total know-it-all who thought she knew everything about babies & didn't waste a minute telling me everything she thought I was doing wrong... when she had no kids either!... well, long story short, she sure shut her mouth when she had her baby in September... lol...
    By the way... I've honestly never had any luck with non-parent friends after our daughter was born... and even a few who have kids but don't really enjoy being a parent & would rather party. I hope you have better luck than I did/do! :)
  • what I have learned is your true friends will always stick around!!
  • My friends ditched me when I got married. I think they're even more angry now that I'm pregnant. I've been making new friends who already have babies so we can relate better :)
  • I have few friends already, one of my best friends has gone back to being friends with my ex now that I'm pregnant. Another friend is finishing college and iw study-abroad in england. My bfs best friend ditched him when we started dating... so I'm basically already doing this alone. Most of my acquaintances are ravers, bar patrons, and gogo dancers so they obviously don't chill with me anymore.
  • What the hell are friends......lol
  • @coolbabybeans... no shi*! Hahaha...
  • I was already distancing from a lot of my friends before I found out I was pregnant, so I can't speak from personal experience.
    But my friends who have had kids all got distance when they were pregnant and had their kids.
    But now that I'm expecting I've reconnected better with the ones who've had or are having kids.
  • My friends went for a drink the other week, wen I asked why I wasn't invited I was told... we didn't want to ask because your pregnant!!! Nice hey :(
  • I have had my same friends since my first child and they don't have any children so from everybody else experience happy my friends were really friends
  • Im 6 months pregnant and what i used to call best friend just had her baby a month ago and i thought we'd be closer but now she has her baby but still parties and since i moved past that and don't want to do it even after i have my baby we don't hang out anymore, all i have is my husband.
  • @aidensmommy6911... I get you there... I never used to party much, but it seems like that's all anybody I know my age in this town wants to do, before or after a baby... I have my daughter & husband & soon to be #2 baby, and I've decided that's all I need, but it still sucks to not have any friends who I can have playdates with; especially because our high yesterday was 21 degrees & I am dying to get out of the house for a while!!! :/
  • I was lucky my friends made time for me when pregnant and I made sure I made time for them too when I had my son at 15. :-) they're still my friends now and I think it's just remembering it's hard for them too since they don't want to pressure you into having to come out but still want to be young and free. It's all about compromise. :-) I hope your friends come round soon.
  • all of my friends treat me as if im not pregnant, like nothing has changed but to me it has. i wish i could say it was nice to not be labelled the pregnant woman but i can't just stay up all hours of the night and day and hang around party people and not feel uncomfortable. I thought my friends would know things have changed but they seem more focused on keeping things as they were, so i've been distancing myself from them
  • Yea well me and one of my good friends had a huge fight she said alot of hurtfull things. So I probobly wont ever be friends with her again. Cuz having a baby is helping me be even more mature then I was. I dont need bad people around me or my baby.

    I was never a big partier. I had my phase but I grew outtt of it so fast. And now that im pregnant I dont even want people who are high everyday or drunk everyday around me or my baby....
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